P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E Friday 11th September 2020

Good Afternoon. P2/1 have had another busy week full with lots of learning.

In Literacy, P1 have this week learned the sounds ‘n’ and ‘p’ and the tricky words of and my. We have made the letters with play dough, looked for them in a book, made a nest and a feathery parrot, taught ted and coloured in ‘p’pictures. We also made words on our magnetic boards using the letters learned so far. P2 have been revising the igh and i-e sounds. We have looked for words in a word search, taught ted words with these sounds, played roll and read, played the snail trail race and spotted sounds in a story.

In Numeracy P1 have been learning about the numbers 8 and 9. We have made 8 and 9 out of play dough, made families of 9 using our counting bears, completed an activity sheet all about 8 and drew a story of 8. P2 have been focusing on counting, comparing objects and numbers using greater than, less than and equals and we looked at ordinal numbers. We created a poster comparing numbers, played games about ordinal numbers, sorted dominoes into smallest to largest and coloured in animals depending on their position.

In Health and Wellbeing this week we looked at keeping connected and we spoke about our families. We drew a picture of who lived in our house. We started our interdisciplinary learning on animals. We looked at a PowerPoint about the jungle and guessed what animals lived there.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed playing roll and read with i-e sounds.”

“I enjoyed playing the snail race games with our sounds.”

“I liked making a nest for the n sound.”

“I enjoyed counting.”

“I enjoyed doing the crafts for our new sounds.”

“I liked making my parrot for ‘p’.”

“I enjoyed putting spots on the ladybird to make 8 or 9 and find the different ways of making 8 or 9.”

“I liked making the play dough 8 and 9.”

“I have enjoyed everything.”