P3 W.C. 01/06/2020

Good morning Primary 3!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend in the sunshine? Did you meet up with family that you had not seen for months? Let me know!

It was an exciting weekend in other ways too, as the Space X rocket successfully launched on Saturday on it’s second attempt. I watched it with my family and it was amazing to see and very exciting! Did you watch it live? Or have you seen clips of the launch since? Your work on this weeks grid has a focus on the International Space Station because of this historic launch and links in very well with our flight topic:

P3 Home learning – Summer term Week 7

Work that supports the grid:


pdf (3)


Here is also today’s Maths work, which continues on from our work on direction last week:

Y2 Summer Block 1 WO4 Making patterns with shapes 2020

Y2 Summer Block 1 ANS4 Making patterns with shapes 2020

I hope you have a wonderful week this week Primary 3, remember to keep an eye out on the blog every day for new tasks and email me photos of your work, you taking part in activities and flat Mrs Love photos so I can see how you are getting on and what you are enjoying participating in.

Take care.

Mrs Love