P3 Maths 02.06.2020

Good morning Primary 3.

Hope you are all well?

In today’s maths, we will be looking at 2D shapes. I know you have worked hard on your shapes this year, I would like to see how you get on with this worksheet:


Answer sheet: Y2-Spring-Block-3-ANS4-Draw-2D-shapes-2019

Remember the different components of a shape are:

The face (the shapes surfaces), vertices (corners) and edges (the line where two faces meet). See image I have made below to clearly explain:

properties of a shape

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Love

2 thoughts on “P3 Maths 02.06.2020”

  1. Good morning, I am so glad to hear that. It would be great to see some photo’s, if you could email me directly?

    Thank you,
    Mrs Love

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