P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 17th January

This week in Literacy P1 have been learning the long vowel sounds igh and ow and the tricky word are. We have written words to match pictures, built words on our magnetic boards, looked for words in a word search and played roll and read. P2 have been having a focus on tricky words.  We looked for them in a word search, made them on magnetic boards, played bingo and wrote them in rainbow colours.  In writing this week we worked in partners to write an acrostic poem about winter to go with our wintery scenes from last week. In Numeracy this week P1 were exploring adding to 20. We used the rekenreks to help us, number spinners to add two numbers together and built number bond towers using unifix cubes. P2 were exploring two different strategies to help with adding. We used add by making 10 and add by counting on. We played a number bond game and used 10 frames to help with learning the strategy of adding by making 10.  In P.E we started our block of gymnastics. We looked at different shapes such as sitting star, pike alien and practiced different types of jumps such as the star jump. We had our Star of the Week circle time. Lucia is our star of the week. We have started our Scottish focus and have decided to explore the story of There was a Wee Lassie who swallowed a Midgie. We read the book and discussed unfamiliar Scottish words.  In art we spoke about tartan and then created our own. We went to assembly which was all about how people see things differently. Just a wee reminder to say that poems will be heard in class on Monday 20th January. Miss Maclachlan can’t wait to hear them. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed assembly.”

“I found it tricky learning the different Scottish words.”

“I enjoyed learning the tricky words.”

“I enjoyed learning both our new sounds igh and ow.”

“I liked P.E yesterday because we were doing gymnastics.”

“I enjoyed learning our new tricky word are.”

“I liked the tricky words we were learning.”

“I found it a wee bit tricky writing an acrostic poem about winter.”

“I enjoyed learning the ow sound.”

P3 learning this week – 17/01/2020

Welcome back Primary 3 and a Happy New Year!

Apologies for not posting anything last week.

This week Primary 3 have been learning :

  • In Writing – A procedural piece of work linked to the Scottish focus – ‘How to make shortbread.’
  • Languages – Matching Scots, Polish and French words to English words.
  • Maths – Money this week, more focus on giving change and repeating coins/times tables with money – e.g. – 5x20p = 100p or £1.
  • P.E. – Gymnastics – Making different shapes with our bodies and doing a rocket jump, adding 1/4 and 1/2 turns and beginning to make a sequence with them with a partner.
  • H&WB – We discussed similarities and differences with pupils families, understanding that we are all different.

E – I liked learning about multiplying values of coins this week in Maths.

C – I enjoyed writing in my learning logs this week.

H – I enjoyed gymnastics this week and doing the rocket jump.

R – I enjoyed my reading this week because I like pirate books.

C – I enjoyed gymnastics this week and working on shapes with my body.

A – I enjoyed doing different routines in gymnastics this week.

I have also included the window into learning for term 3 for you all.

Mrs Love

Window-into-Learning, term 3

P2 Learning Reflection W/E 17.01.20

In literacy this week the children did a tricky word spelling test. I will use the results of this to plan our tricky word focus for this term. For writing the children all had a go at writing an exposition piece about having a friend in class. For PE we have started gymnastics and are currently focusing on balancing skills. In numeracy the class have enjoyed the daily flash back 4 revision quiz. Our number talks focus was compensation and our learning focus was counting on using a number line. The children have enjoyed playing Strike it out. You can play at home using this link: https://nrich.maths.org/6589

Leighton – In number talks we were doing some compensation. It’s when you switch the number and they still add up to the same.

Lewis – I liked number talks, we were using compensation. For 6+4 you can take 1 away from the 6 and add it to the 4 to make 5. Then double 5=10.

Coben – I was breaking numbers into place value.

Nicholas – I loved writing today.

Rory – I enjoyed number talks I know that 10 and 10 is 20 because it’s a double. For 9+11 if you take 1 from the 11 and add it to the 9 it makes 10 and double 10 is 20.

Sushanth – We did flashback 4.  I liked to do 9+4 on the number line.  You can use compensation too. You need to take 1 from the 4 to turn the 9 into 10 then add on 3 to make 13.

James – I liked numeracy because we were doing number talks and we were doing compensation. With 9+11 you can move 1 from 11 to make 10 and then double ten =20.

Lois – I enjoyed PE. I like playing the colour game. We are going to move onto gymnastics now.

Nicholas – I loved to put the work in order.

Charley – We are going to have a reading competition. It’s called the First Minister reading challenge. So we have got to read books and try to keep our library tidy.

Subhan – We get to read books.

Poppy – in PE we were balancing, we did zootz stork balance. You have to put your head straight and your arms out the same height as your shoulders and your knee up with toes pointing down.

Leo – I was reading Tabs kitten. Tabs kitten was sleeping somewhere else.

Austin – We were reading there a Wee Lassie who swallowed a midgie. The story rhymes and we were guessing what she would swallow next. I got a Scottish animal right it was Nessie.

Isaac – In numeracy we were playing Strike out. There was a number line all the way to 20. You have to get a partner.  You need to choose a number on the number line and cross it out and you choose another number to add on and you cross that out. Then you circle the answer. The next person has to start with that number. They cannot choose any numbers that are crossed out.

Euan – I enjoyed PE today. We were doing balances. I liked doing the stork balance.

Ziva – My favourite was gymnastics. We were doing balances.

Sevinc – I liked doing the flashback 4.

Emma – I enjoyed doing the countdowns this week. Today I managed to get ready in 5!

Kaelan – In assembly it was about Jesus. He was giving the man his sight back. Everyone else just ignored the man.

Another Busy Week for P4

A bit of a different week this week because we are working on our Scottish Focus. We have been learning some of the poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson, and lots of new Scottish vocabulary. This will continue next week but we will also have our poetry recitals. Many pupils have now learned almost all of their lines – keep up the good work.

Also this week, we have started a block of music lessons with Karen from NYCoS. We did lots of singing, clapping, clicking, ball bouncing and walking around in time with the beat. Ask us if we can remember the names of Christopher Columbus’s ships. We are already excited to know what we’ll do next time.

Harris – I enjoyed today’s assembly because we were learning about how God helped a blind man and he got him to see again without even touching  him.

Emma – I enjoyed doing the gymnastics because I enjoyed doing the yoga cards. I liked a pose called the dancer.

Joe – I liked Maths today because  I learned that 38 tens is 380.

Luke – I enjoyed playing my ocarina at assembly because it is really fun.

Ethan – I enjoyed the Maths that we did yesterday. I liked the second sheet because it challenged me more. It was about dividing.

Kaitlyn – I liked doing the pictures yesterday. It was fun but challenging. It was about Robert Louis Stevenson’s poem From a Railway Carriage.

Blake – I liked writing the exposition because it really helped me get more confident with my handwriting and it helped me get pupil of the week.

Darcy – I liked the First Minister’s Reading Challenge because it encouraged me to read more books.

Kayden – I liked the maths this week because I got to learn my tables.

Rhys – I liked music this week because you had to guess who was singing.

P1 Weekly Reflection 17.01.20

Another busy week.  In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ar and oo.  We learned to read some very big words with as many as ten letters like toothbrush and shampoo.  We also did very well with our reading and Mrs Clyne was so impressed that she would like to increase the pace of our reading and try to give us two books a week.  For this reason, it would be really helpful if the children brought their book bag every single day.

This week we launched the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and we went to visit the newly revamped school library where we chose our own book to take back to class and some of the children enjoyed reading their books to Ted.  We have also begun to watch Katie Morag stories on BBc iplayer as part of our Scotland focus.

We heard some of the children reciting their Scots poems and are looking forward to hearing eveyone saying their poem next week.  Please ensure your child is ready to recite their poem on Monday 20th January.  Three children from the class will be chosen to go through to the final on Wednesday 22nd January and we will finish our Scottish focus with an assembly on Friday 24th January.

We have been learning about hand washing and hygiene and wrote some very impressive instructions for how to wash our hands properly.  We learned that it is important to use warm water and soap or we won’t kill the germs.

In numeracy this week we have been learning about doubles and in particular doubles within 20.  We made some great ladybird pictures and now have a beautiful display outside of our classroom.

P1 Weekly Update 10.01.2020

Happy New Year!

It was lovely to welcome all the children back and hear their stories from the Christmas break.  Thanks to everyone for their lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts.  It is lovely of you to think of us and is much appreciated.  The children have returned refreshed and have been very enthusiastic about planning a new design layout for our classroom.  We have had great fun rearranging the different areas.

This week’s particular highlight was the new arrival of large blocks which have sparked some fantastic play.  The children worked well in pairs or small groups to build some amazing structures.  We also had to do some problem solving as we tried to work out how best to fit all the bricks into the new storage unit, this proved challenging!

We have revamped our house corner which has encouraged more engaging play and the children have been asking if we could get some dressing up clothes so if you have anything you’d like to clear out and think would be suitable for the children to role play in, please do sent it in.  Thanks.

We talked about New Year’s resolutions and how sometimes people make promises of things they can change or do better.  The children chatted about taking more exercise or eating more healthily.

In assembly Mrs Mill spoke to us about managing our worries and we learned that it is best to talk about things that are worrying us.  We also read a story in class today called Lion’s In A Flap which was all about Lion managing his worries.

Here’s some of the children’s comments about their week:-

Georgie – I liked learning our new sounds igh, ay, ee, ow.

Ruby – I liked learning the sounds too.

Sophie – I liked the assembly when Mrs Mill told us all about managing our worries.

Isla – I liked the assembly, learning new sounds and when we got the new blocks.

Nieve – I liked playing with the new bricks and building castles with Sahasra, Elise and Isla.

Penelope – I liked playing with the blocks.

Elise – I liked when me and Nieve were playing in the house corner together.  I liked that it has moved.

Emelia- I enjoyed playing with the bricks.

Piotr – I like the house corner.

Lucia – I liked playing with Isla and Eva in the new house corner.

Have a lovely weekend.

P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 7.1.20

It has been lovely to have the children back and ready to learn after the holiday. I hope you all had a great Christmas and I wish you all the very best for 2020. In primary 2 this week we have been learning about exposition texts and will have a go at writing our own next week. In numeracy we have been adding two groups together by counting on using ten frames and number lines. In number talks we finished off addition by breaking each number into tens and ones. We are now focusing on the strategy of compensation; by removing one addend and adding it to another addend e.g. 5+9 can be changed to 4+10 by removing 1 from the 5 and adding it to the 9. In PE we have been playing some team building and cooperation games with the parachute. The children all have their Scots poems home. Please help your child select one to learn for the Scottish poetry recital completion. I look forward to hearing the children recite their poems from the week beginning the 20th Jan.

Lewis – I liked the numeracy flash back, I got them all correct.

Nicholas – We wrote about the holidays. I went to five sisters zoo to meet my friends, Lewis, Austin, Kaelan and James.

Kaelan – I liked writing about the Christmas holidays. I got a machine for my Christmas, it’s like a train and when you switch it on it turns into a train.

Emma – In PE we were learning French words for colours.

Subhan – I liked writing about my holidays. I wrote about going to Mill Farm. I saw a lot of animals and I went to fun play.

Leighton – I liked number talks. We were adding by breaking the numbers onto their place value. For 32 + 13,  32 has 3 tens and 13 has 1 ten so 30 +10=40,  32 has 2,  1’s and 13 has 3, 1’s add the 2+3=5 then add 40+5=45.

Isaac – we are learning about exposition.  It has a title, a statement of position, a series of arguments and last a concluding statement. It tells us what the writer thinks.

Leo – In PE we were playing team games.

Rory – In PE we were playing with the parachute. I liked it when it went up and we went under it. It feels all silky.

Poppy – I liked PE today I liked playing the French coloured spots game. You have to shout out the colour in French and then run on the right coloured spot.

James – I liked learning about nouns, they name things people and places. The word ‘friend’ is a people noun.

Ziva – I have enjoyed doing number jumping on a number line.

Sevinc – I enjoyed PE this week. We were playing with the parachute and we played the French colour game.

Austin – I liked doing my learning profile. We were drawing a picture for the wellbeing wheel. I picked nurtured and I drew my house and my mum and dad looking after me.

Lois – I liked using number lines. You had to remember to make a jump when counting on.

Charley – I enjoyed PE this week. I liked the parachute popcorn game. We had to work together to keep the popcorn on or off.

Coben – I enjoyed the assembly this week. It was about when you are worried. When you are worried you can write them down or chat to your friends or my mum and dad.

Euan – In PE we played the parachute game.

P6 Week 7/1/20

This week P6 have been doing Dogdeball with Mrs Smith and Gymnastics with Mrs Fraser for our Physical Education. In numeracy we have been studying about different types of division. We have been learning how to count in steps backwards and how to chunk. On Wednesday we started writing a poem about Danny MacCaskill and The Ridge. All poems were at an excellent standard! We also did an art project for the poem. We watched a video with Mr Keast about STEM. Hannah Fry had a range of activities on the programme on The Royal Institution. On Wednesday we made a motto for a class. All ideas were very good. after a blind vote our motto was chosen as “P6 in the Remix”.

By Noel and Katie, with help from all of P6.

Happy New Year from P2/1

Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. In Literacy P1 have been learning the long vowel sound ee and the tricky word was. We have written words to match pictures, built words on our magnetic boards and played roll and read. P2 have been revising the last four sounds of Set 3, ure, tion, tious and cious. We looked for them in a word search and created spelling posters.  In writing, we wrote a New Year’s Resolution. These were very interesting and ranged from walking the dog more to getting more sleep. In Numeracy this week P1 were exploring doubles. We built double towers, used mirrors and bears to find doubles and put spots on butterflies. P2 continued to explore place value and ordering and comparing numbers and objects to 20.  In P.E we played games such as cups and saucers, tunnel tig and rotten apples. We had our Star of the Week circle time. In art we created winter scenes using chalk. We went to assembly which was all about talking things over when you have worries. We have been given out our Scottish poems to choose one then learn it. The poems will be heard on the week beginning the 20th January. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Murdo: “I liked creating my winter scene.”

Hiba: “I enjoyed the assembly on the resilience tool of talk things over.”

Olly: “I enjoyed the assembly too.”

Gabriel: “I enjoyed making my winter wonderland picture.”

Christian: “I enjoyed my learning with Miss Whigham.”

Ch: “I enjoyed creating my winter scene.”

Connie: “I enjoyed learning the ee sound.”

Lucas: “I enjoyed learning the ee sound as well.”