In P3 this week

This week in Primary 3 we focused on time in our Maths and started to look at 5 minute increments, e.g. – 5 past/10 past etc. In literacy we started to write our own narrative stories and focused on words with the magic e again for spelling/handwriting using words -i-e e.g. – fire. The children learned about Diwali in RME and created lamps which are now beautifully displayed in the classroom.  In our topic this week the children the children looked more at food and what foods make us have a healthy balanced diet.

What the pupils enjoyed –

Anya – I enjoyed doing my Diwali lamps with Ms Wigham during R.M.E.

Aakruti – I enjoyed learning about 5 minute times during maths with Mrs Love.

Pola – I enjoyed number talks and the strategies we used.

Elena – I liked learning more about time this week in Maths. Because I love time.

Poppy – I enjoyed P.E. this week and like playing benchball.

Jan and Cali – I enjoyed playing time bingo with Mrs Brown.

Rayyaan – I enjoyed reading with my reading group this week.

Thank you very much to the family members who came into class this week to visit for PATPAL. It was great to see so many of you there.

I will be handing out the new home learning grids next week if you have a homework jotter at home, please can I have them back on Monday for the new home learning coming out.

The read, write, count bags will be coming back home NEXT Friday at the end of book week.

Mrs Love

Learning Highlights for W/E 15.11.19

The children enjoyed the opportunity to share their learning during our PATPAL session this week. Thank you to those who made it along it was lovely to see you all!

Isaac – teaching my Mum. We were finding some pronouns and nouns. Pronouns are words like ‘he’ and ‘she’ we use them instead of saying Father or Mother Duck in the story.

Austin – I liked the P6 assembly. It was about World War 2. The ladies made the bombs for the soldiers.

Nicholas – The P6 assembly was good. It was about the war.

Sushanth – I liked the assembly. They threw streamers to celebrate at the end of the war.

Savinc – I enjoyed the PATPAL. We were teaching the parents.  I showed them how to find all the sounds in our story.

Lois – we learned the sounds ‘oa’ and ‘ai’ this week. I am going to try and think of words with them. We know three ‘ai’ sounds.  split digraph o-e as in home. Coat has ‘oa’ in the middle. Snow has ‘ow’ at the end. Cake is split digraph a-e, snail has ‘ai’ in the middle and play has ‘ay’ at the end.

Leighton – I am enjoying the Nativity songs. My favourite one is Baby Jesus!

Coben – I liked the assembly because it was about World War 2.

Leo – I enjoyed the assembly because it had the song from The End Game.

James – I liked P6 assembly. They threw ribbons at us they were really long. They were celebrating the end of the war.

Ziva – I enjoyed the Nativity rehearsal. Plodding Along is my favourite song.

Subhan – I liked the Nativity songs, my favourite is Fishing for Stars!

Euan – The P6 assembly was good. It was about the people who died in the war.

Poppy – I like rehearsing for the Nativity play. I am enjoying lots of the songs and I am doing all of the actions. My favourite song is High on a Hill!

Lewis – I liked learning the ‘ai’ sound this week. It’s mostly in the middle of a word and sometimes at the start. Snail has that sound.

Kaelan – I liked the PATPAL. You get to show the parents what you are learning.

Rory – I enjoyed the PATPAL. My Mummy came and I showed my Mum what to do.

Charlie – I liked singing with Dave this week.

P2 Learning Reflection

Learning Reflection for W/E 8/11/19

Oops, I did not get round to posting this last Friday!

Another busy week in P2. Our phonics focus this week was the sounds: er, ‘ou’ as in shout and ‘ow’ as in flower. Our tricky words were: there & want. In maths we have continued to explore the properties of 3D shapes. The children enjoyed designing and making 3D junk models to help Max get back home from the land of the Wild Things! The children love the music workshops ‘Wee Story, Big Sound’ with Dave. This week they were all playing percussion to accompany the story of Josh and Granny. We have also started learning the songs for our Nativity!

Coben – We were trying to make a submarine out of shapes. So that Max could get back home. I used a cube and a cylinder to make it!

Euan – I enjoyed the assembly, it was about poppies.

Rory – I made a rocket so that it can go over the water and under it.  I used a cylinder and a cuboid in my model.

Nicholas – We were playing music with Dave. We had to count 1,2,3,4.

James –  I liked making my model. It is an aeroplane that can get Max over the water back to his home. It says Max’s aeroplane. We used three cuboids and a sphere.

Lois – I liked the assembly, I liked all the poppies. We have to remember the war and the people who died. I think war is bad because they all die and it is really sad!

Charley – I liked singing with Dave. We were doing a story about Josh and Granny. I was playing the glockenspiel. I played the D note!

Sevinc – I enjoyed music.

Sushanth – We were learning 3D shapes. I used a sphere and lots of cuboids in my model.

Isaac – I enjoyed learning about 3D shapes. We learned about how many faces, sides and vertices they have.  A dice is a cube,  it has six faces and eight vertices.

Leo – I enjoyed PE this week.

Poppy – I liked building the junk models to get Max home. I made a boat and it’s got lots of stuff in it. It takes a long time for Max to get home so there is food and a bed. I used cuboids to make it.

Ziva – My favourite was music with Dave. We helped Granny and Josh get home by telling a story.

Leighton – I enjoyed making the 3D models. Me and Rory made a rocket. We used a cuboid a cylinder and we used a cone and that’s all!

Austin – I liked the assembly. It was about remembering day. We think about the soldier and people who died in the war.

Lewis – I liked the assembly. It was about the people who died in the war. Some people wear poppies because it reminds us of the people who died.

Kaelan – I liked PE because we were doing gym stuff. We were getting animals into the pond and we had to run fast. We played the colour game, asking colours in French and having to go to that colour. Rouge is red, orange is orange, bleu is blue and jaune is yellow!

Subhan – I liked making the models. I made a helicopter with Euan. I used a cylinder and a cuboid.

P1 Weekly Reflection 15.11.19

The children have had a very informative week as they were learning about Remembrance Day through watching a video clip with rabbits (here’s the link so you can have a look too; learned about WW2 during P6s assembly and we talked about Children in Need too.  We have not supported Children in Need this year because we feel we have supported so many other charities recently and it is just not possible to support them all.  The children are hoping we can support Children in Need next year and some are looking forward to watching Pudsey on the tv tonight.

In literacy this week we learned the sounds ‘y’ and ‘w’ and enjoyed sharing our learning with some of our mums and dads during our PATPAL session, thanks to those who came along.

In numeracy this week we have been talking about greater than and less than when comparing numbers and groups of objects.  We have been developing our ability to talk about numbers by looking at dot patterns and trying to explain our thinking of how we see the patterns in Number Talks.  We’ve also been adding and subtracting within ten.

With Mrs Anderson we have been talking about Friendship and made some super posters for Mrs Mill’s Anti-Bullying Poster Competition.  I bet Mrs Mill has a difficult decision trying to choose some winners!

This week we have also been making our craft objects to sell at the Christmas Fair which is on Saturday 7th December and we have started practising the songs for our nativity.  Next week we will allocate parts and start to practise our acting.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Primary 3 this week.

In Primary 3 this week, we learned how to tell the time in fifteen minute intervals in our maths (o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to). In literacy we focused on past, present and future tense sentences and wrote spelling words in our handwriting jotters, keeping to the correct lines and keeping our writing neat. In P.E. we worked on dribbling around cones and we played benchball on two courts now we understand the rules. We also created anti-bullying posters in the class and discussed what bullying is.

The children said –

John – I enjoyed maths this week. Learning quarter past, half past, quarter to and o’clock.

Andrew – I have enjoyed listening to our new class novel ‘The magic faraway tree’.

Aiden – I enjoyed playing benchball in PE this week and working in teams. You get a ball and you throw it to your teammate on the bench. The first team will everyone on the bench wins.

Lewis – I enjoyed writing past/present and future tense sentences.

Maizy – I enjoyed writing my spelling jotters in my handwriting jotter.

Sophia – I enjoyed playing benchball.

Maddie – I loved doing my anti-bullying poster.

Mrs. Love

P2/1 Learning Reflection W/E 8th November 2019

We have been very busy again this week.  In Literacy P1 have learned the ‘y’, ‘w’ and ‘th’ sounds and the tricky word so. We stuck wool on a yak, practised our letter formation, taught ted and coloured in a whale. P2 revised the ‘er’, ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ sounds. They searched for these words in a word search, played roll and read and coloured in real and non-sense words.  In numeracy P1 have explored adding. We have played games, used the linking tens to make 10 and used concrete materials such as counting bears to help us make friends of 5 and then 10. P2 have been exploring different strategies to use for subtracting such as count back and find the difference. We played race to zero, used a number line to work out answers and used Numicon to help us find the difference.  In Science we have been exploring day and night. In music with Dave we have been continuing to put music to a story about Josh and his granny. We have had the chance to play instruments such as a drum, a guitar etc. We invite you to come and share our Wee Story Big Sound learning on Wednesday 4th December at 11am. In P.E we practiced dribbling with the ball at our feet and played games. We have started to look at weather as our topic. We brainstormed what we knew and what we would like to know. We also identified different types of weather. We had our Star of the Week circle time. This week we got together with P1 and P2 and started to learn the songs for our nativity. On Friday we went to assembly. It was all about remembrance. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Hiba: “I enjoyed everything this week.”

Solomia: “I enjoyed all our learning this week.”

Olly: “I enjoyed colouring in the whale for the ‘w’ sound.”

Lucas: “I enjoyed learning about day and night with Miss Whigham.”

Murdo: “I liked the video during the assembly on remembrance.”

Connie: “I enjoyed assembly and singing the song we all need a rock.”

Ch: “I enjoyed everything.”

Christian: “I enjoyed the assembly about remembrance and music with Dave on Wednesday.”

Gabriel: “I enjoyed the story of Josh and Granny with Dave.”

P6 This week- 8.11.19

We loved learning about triangles and identifying the different types. Alina really enjoyed making them with nail boards and elastic bands. We learned more about decimals and tried some word problems involving them. In writing we learned about persuasive texts and how they are structured. Our badminton skills are improving and we have been learning about dancing in the 1940’s! As part of our WW2 project, we learned about rations and made a pie called Lord Woolton Pie-made from vegetables. Surprisingly, lots of us thought it was delicious and have taken the recipe home!