P1 Weekly Reflection 15.11.19

The children have had a very informative week as they were learning about Remembrance Day through watching a video clip with rabbits (here’s the link so you can have a look too https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/poppies); learned about WW2 during P6s assembly and we talked about Children in Need too.  We have not supported Children in Need this year because we feel we have supported so many other charities recently and it is just not possible to support them all.  The children are hoping we can support Children in Need next year and some are looking forward to watching Pudsey on the tv tonight.

In literacy this week we learned the sounds ‘y’ and ‘w’ and enjoyed sharing our learning with some of our mums and dads during our PATPAL session, thanks to those who came along.

In numeracy this week we have been talking about greater than and less than when comparing numbers and groups of objects.  We have been developing our ability to talk about numbers by looking at dot patterns and trying to explain our thinking of how we see the patterns in Number Talks.  We’ve also been adding and subtracting within ten.

With Mrs Anderson we have been talking about Friendship and made some super posters for Mrs Mill’s Anti-Bullying Poster Competition.  I bet Mrs Mill has a difficult decision trying to choose some winners!

This week we have also been making our craft objects to sell at the Christmas Fair which is on Saturday 7th December and we have started practising the songs for our nativity.  Next week we will allocate parts and start to practise our acting.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.