It has been lovely to welcome the children back to class this week and hear all their stories about their holiday week. It has been a busy week in class as we welcomed Mrs Anderson and Mrs Platt. Mrs Anderson will be working with us for the next 5 weeks and Mrs Platt will be working in the class for the foreseeable future. We also had a visit from Mrs Taylor who was having a wee break from P5.
In literacy we have learned two new sounds this week, h and sh. We made some tricky words out of playdough, searched for sounds in the sand and sorted them, we told Ted how to write the sounds and we were building words using the magnetic letters. In writing we were using some of our tricky words and verbs (lives, eats and drinks) to help us write sentences about our pets.
In maths, we were creating patterns using numbers, colours and people. Here’s some photos, can you spot the pattern we’ve created in our line?
We also talked about the number 4 using a Five Frame and talked about different ways to make 4. Some people were able to tell us some take away sums as well as adding.
In literacy we read the story of The Little Red Hen and we talked about sequencing and thought about the characters in the story. We drew a picture of our favourite character from the story.
In PE, we developed our hand-eye coordination and throwing and catching skills and were trying to challenge ourselves to make the activities harder. We used materials like cones, hula hoops, bean bags and balls to practise throwing and catching.
Yesterday we welcomed Clachan Wullie back to school after his adventures on the Big Bucket Trail over the summer. Hayley from the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity told us more about the work of the charity and we will be thinking of some good ideas to raise money to help the charity. Watch this space!