Welcome to P3

Image result for welcome back to school

We have had a busy week settling into Primary 3 and have welcomed Kalista to our class.  The children are looking forward to getting to know each other over the coming weeks.  On Wednesday we made a start on our Road Safety topic with some interesting discussions about how we find a safe place to cross the road.  This year we will have a focus on the Green Cross Code.  Working together we have created our new class charter and our new class motto will be ‘Reach out and lend a helping hand.’  We have made some colourful t.shirts to put on our class welcome display which you will see when you come to Meet the Teacher in a few weeks.  Most of the children said they had enjoyed their first week in P3 and although Darcy said she was nervous on Tuesday, she said she is excited to be back and see all her friends. Rohan said he’s feeling good and has had a good week.  I have enjoyed hearing all the children’s holiday stories and look forward to working with them this year.  I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend.

Welcome to P4 2018-19

Today we reflected on our first week in primary 4 and the children listed their highlights.

Most of them enjoyed the maths this week especially the treasure hunt and their times table work.  They told me almost all are happy with their new teacher with some needing more time to think about it!  Most of the children enjoyed doing writing this week as the subject was their favourite Disney film.  Almost all thought that golden time was great fun, especially those that had been trying the wireless headphones and dancing in a silent disco.

All of the children enjoyed meeting our visitor on Thursday, Laura Sayers, an up and coming illustrator, who spent time sharing a book she has written and talking about how she did the illustrations.  She encouraged the children to talk about their dreams and to make some art work like the Roadliner character in her book.  The children have been inspired and plan to make houses to frame their road marking pictures and to put their work on display in the school.


P4 are looking forward to finalising their topics, doing more artwork, learning science with Mrs Fraser and are hoping for exciting trips away – no pressure then!


Welcome to Primary 1M

What a busy first week of school! The majority of the children have settled into school really well. I am impressed with how independent they are. They can all take responsibility for getting ready in the morning by changing their shoes, unpacking their bags, putting their water bottles in the tray and snack away in their own tray. This week the children have been busy learning their first sound ‘m’, exploring the number 5 through play, learning about road safety and designing our own 2D vehicle pictures. These pictures were quite creative. For P.E this week the children enjoyed taking part in yoga. As part of our weekly routine on a Friday the children and I will have a reflection chat about their learning. Some of the children’s reflections will be included in the blog posts each week.

P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 24.8.18

The children in P1K have settled in well. Most can walk into school independently and are beginning to organise their belongings. I am so impressed, as many of the children have taken this in their stride and can manage things like: hanging up their coat, changing shoes, putting their water bottle away, snack in tray and bag in bag box, and even order a lunch, phew! We learned our first sound this week which was m and tricky word I. We also explored number 5 by counting, sorting, building and printing. The children enjoyed some play time in the garden. During PE they did Yoga and played toilet tig and disappearing dots. Please see below for the children’s learning highlights and challenges:


K – my favourite part is playing in the sand

J – my favourite part was making ladybirds on the leaf, I made 5

Ch – I have enjoyed playing outside, I like playing out with Poppy, Lewis and Solomia

L – building a car

Su – playing lego

Au – playing in the kitchen

Al – running about outside

So – I like playground tig

H – playing with the building blocks

Chr – painting

P – learning the m sound

N– playing the dinosaurs

Sus – building a car


K – It was difficult to cut with scissors

J – to put the things on the back with the apron

Ch – sitting down and missing my baby sister

L -opening my packet at snack time

Au – trying to cut out the mouse shapes

H – gluing the circles

Welcome to P5!

What a fantastic week we have had! I am so excited to be spending the year with such a lovely bunch of talented children…


Ava – I loved playing HooplaShowdown in PE it was a great challenge!

Georgie – I liked meeting Mrs T because it’s so much fun in P5.

Amaya- The Lego challenge was great fun!

Daniel – I enjoyed Mrs Taylor reading to us and ERIC time.

Conlan – Getting to know Mrs Taylor better.

Eshal – creating our Cuisenaire Rod patterns!

It sounds as if we have a very creative and enjoyable first week and I can’t wait to see P5 again on Monday!

Mrs Taylor x

Welcome to P7

What a lovely week I have had with our new P7s. They have been so much fun and have come back to school with great enthusiasm for the year ahead.

Today we have been reflecting on how the week has gone and as you will see from the comments below, the pupils feel that they have also had a good start to the term.

“I think I’ve settled in really well to P7 but I think it’s going to be harder in the year. I’ve enjoyed spending time with my buddy at break and lunch because we have had a lot of fun.” – Ben M

“Settling in to P7 has not affected me but I’m happy to see my friends. The thing I am looking forward to most is visiting The Risk Factory.” – Harry

“I think I have settled in at Primary 7. I still sometimes nearly go into the P6 classroom but I mostly know. I am looking forward to trying  out for all the different teams and house captain! Also to improve in all subjects.” – Tyler

“I feel that I have settled in quite well in primary 7 because I’m just really excited for this year. I have enjoyed PE this week because I have never played rock, paper, scissors like how we played it on Wednesday. I am looking forward to the school play because I will probably go for a bigger part this time.” – Elise

“I think I have settled in well in P7. It just feels kinda natural. I have enjoyed PE the most as a subject this week. I love the P7 corner. I am looking forward to the school play because I love singing and acting.” – Eleni

So far, so good for P7.

Pupils should be thinking about whether they would like to be house captains or not. Please encourage your child to go for it if they are not sure. A copy of the success criteria is attached below.

Presentation Success Criteria

Our first week in P6…

We learned about the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.  We had to read all 54 articles and choose 3 which we felt were important to our class.  We will use our Class Charter to remind us of these rights and explain how we will ensure everyone’s rights are met.  We are in the process of creating a Class Charter using a phone and emoji theme.

“I enjoyed designing my emoji.  It was based on Grumpy Cat.” – Matthew


We did a STEM challenge which was to build a structure at least 30cm tall which could support the weight of an orange for at least 10 seconds.  We could only use newspaper, scissors and tape.  All teams completed the challenge so we then extended it to see who could amend their structure to hold the most oranges.

“I enjoyed the challenge because we started to build it and then we had to think to improve it.” – Murray

“We enjoyed eating the oranges at the end because our team won!” – Natalie & Hayley D

In PE we played the Hoop Hop Showdown where you have to jump in hoops until you meet someone from an opposing team.  When you meet, you play Rock, Paper, Scissors and the winner stays on.  You have to watch carefully so you know when it’s your turn.

“It was really great and fun, yo!” – Charlie & Callan

“It was amazing!” – Lewis

“It was really fun and then at football training we did something similar.” – Calum

Here are some of the things we are looking forward to:

“I want to do Science and Art.” – Jamie

We started reading the novel “Holes” by Louis Sacher and we can’t wait to find out more!

We are all looking forward to learning new topics!


You can see photos and videos of our learning on Twitter! @MissMarnie2 @LiviVillagePS