Welcome to P4 2018-19

Today we reflected on our first week in primary 4 and the children listed their highlights.

Most of them enjoyed the maths this week especially the treasure hunt and their times table work.  They told me almost all are happy with their new teacher with some needing more time to think about it!  Most of the children enjoyed doing writing this week as the subject was their favourite Disney film.  Almost all thought that golden time was great fun, especially those that had been trying the wireless headphones and dancing in a silent disco.

All of the children enjoyed meeting our visitor on Thursday, Laura Sayers, an up and coming illustrator, who spent time sharing a book she has written and talking about how she did the illustrations.  She encouraged the children to talk about their dreams and to make some art work like the Roadliner character in her book.  The children have been inspired and plan to make houses to frame their road marking pictures and to put their work on display in the school.


P4 are looking forward to finalising their topics, doing more artwork, learning science with Mrs Fraser and are hoping for exciting trips away – no pressure then!