This week in P3…

“We really enjoyed our art lesson this week.  We drew big flowers and then we put glue over all of the pencil lines.  Once it was dry we chose really bright coloured chalk to colour them in.  The glue left a black line that the chalk couldn’t stick to.” – Aydan & Ella

“I liked the art because it was really fun and I now know how to draw big flowers!” -Zara

(Look out for these flowers brightening up our new Quiet Zone soon! – Miss Marnie)

“This week I enjoyed PE because we learned how to do “keepie-upies” and “pizza slices” in Tennis!” – Oliver

“I liked using repeated addition to solve times table sums.” – Jacob C

“I liked Maths with Mr Keast.  We did the 5 times table and we had to solve the word problems.” – Tain

“I enjoyed making a Powerpoint about the Gift of the Nile for our Ancient Egypt topic.” – Euan

“I enjoyed working out the maths sums using different strategies.” – Rebecca C

“I liked sharing the “In the News” part of our April Home Learning.  I liked listening to what people had to say about the news stories.” – Kitty

“I enjoyed doing jigsaws because we worked together.  When we couldn’t do it we just kept on trying!” – Ellie

“I liked playing rounders!” – Aydan

“I liked the April Home Learning because it was really fun and we got to do lots of activities.  My favourite one was “Reading for Enjoyment” and I read Matilda!” – Lola B


*New* May Home Learning:   HL MAY