Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

November 9, 2020
by Miss Hanlon

P3A Work

Good Morning.

I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend. 🙂

Please find your work below in the P3 Grid. Choose what you would like to work on and complete these at your own pace over this week. You do not have to complete all of the tasks.

P3 Grid

Click on the links to open the work below:


Spelling -ue

Spelling -op

Spelling Wordsearch



Handwriting – Extra


Odd and Even Numbers to 20 Worksheet.

Odd and Even Numbers to 100 Worksheet.

Health and Wellbeing:

Things that make me happy worksheet


French Body Parts Powerpoint

French Body Parts Worksheet

If you complete all of these tasks and would like to do some more work, then take a look at the other P3 Grid for some more ideas.


You can post your completed work onto Seesaw or save it all to bring back into school.

If you have any further questions, please contact the school.

Many thanks.

Miss Hanlon.



November 6, 2020
by Miss Hanlon


Good morning P3A.

I am so sorry that we can’t be in school for the time being. I am going to miss seeing you all over the next little while, but don’t worry we can still do lots of learning at home.

Next week, I will be posting work for you to complete. You will find the work on this blog or if you log onto Seesaw. If you have any issues being able to access the work, then please contact the school, where they can provide you with a paper copy instead. If you have lost your passwords for this, then again, please contact the school office, where they can provide you with this information.

In the meantime, have a look over our learning grid (which is in the link below) for some other ideas to do at home and stay safe.

Missing you all.

Miss Hanlon.



October 27, 2020
by User deactivated

West Lothian Community Food Hub

Good morning,
Just a little reminder that food, toiletry, household cleaning and baby goods are available for free from West Lothian Community Food Hub.
If you would like any of these items they are distributed in fair quantities on a first come, first served basis.
If you would like to pick up from them, the pick-up times are below:
Community Food opening times:
· 11am-12:30pm
· 1:30pm-4:30pm

Remember to follow them on social media at West Lothian Food Network and share our QR code with your friends and family by scanning it with their phone camera and clicking the link that follows. Thanks!

October 20, 2020
by Miss Gorman

STEM Club 1

Good morning!

Nicola Connor, West Lothian’s Primary Science Development Officer, will be putting together interactive PowerPoints for you to be able to access different STEM activities. These will be available every two weeks and will be available through the West Lothian STEM blog!

The first lot of activities focus on outdoor science and STEM and can be accessed through the PowerPoint links below:
P1-3 Activities 2020_10_06 p1-3
P4-7 Activities 2020_10_06 P4-7

Please let us know if you have any problems accessing the files and we’ll be happy to help. Remember to tag us on Twitter @HarrysmuirPS or share your learning below!

Have fun.

September 28, 2020
by Mrs Fairley

Learning Grids for Self-Isolating

Here are Learning Grids for each Year Group that can be accessed if your child is self-isolating at home. These grids are not Homework grids but feature some activities and web pages linked to the learning of their class/stage. Please let us know if you need any resources.

P1 Learning Grid

P2 Learning Grid

P3 Learning Grid

P4 Learning Grid

P5 Learning Grid

P6 Learning Grid

P7 Learning Grid

September 18, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Information for the School Year

School Information 2020-21

Click on the links below to view our Sway presentations:

Harrysmuir Primary School Expectations

Meet the Teacher Presentations

P1A – Mrs Ross

P1B – Ms Suen

P2/1 – Mrs Carr & Mrs Saunders

P2 – Mrs Duff

P3/2 – Mrs Davies

P3A – Miss Hanlon

P3B – Mrs Russell

P4A – Miss Barclay

P4B – Miss Buchanan

P5A – Miss Gorman

P5B – Miss Armstrong

P6A – Miss McKean

P6B – Mr Rooney

P7A – Mrs McDermott

P7B – Mr Blackwood

School Documents

Climate for Learning Positive Relationship Policy
Curriculum Rationale in Recovery Phase 0620


August 17, 2020
by User deactivated

Educational Psychology Service Support

Please note that parents and carers can contact the Educational Psychologist responsible for Harrysmuir directly for general advice and support at any time. The service can be accessed on 01506 283130 where a message can be left and a member of the team will respond. Alternatively, the generic EPS e-mail address can also be used ed.psych@westlothian.gov.uk to request a call back.

August 12, 2020
by Mrs McDermott

Welcome Back Activities for P7

Hi P7, we hope you have enjoyed a relaxing summer break and are looking forward to the fun and challenges P7 will bring.😎  Mr Blackwood and I are really looking forward to welcoming you all back to school tomorrow and hearing about the highs and lows of your time off school.

All of the staff at Harrysmuir have been working very hard to get the school ready for you to return safely. Although there will be some changes, please don’t worry about anything as we will have lots of time to discuss these and any concerns or questions you may have.

To get those brain cogs turning again, we’ve attached some activities for you to try today at home. For the Health and Wellbeing tasks, you can either write down or simply discuss your answers with a family member.

See you all tomorrow 😃

Mrs McDermott & Mr Blackwood



Mild Emoji Code Breaker

Spicy Emoji Code Breaker

Hot Emoji Code Breaker

Health & Wellbeing

What Positives Have Come from Lockdown Worksheet

What Questions Do You Have about Returning to School


August 12, 2020
by Miss McKean

Primary 6 Home Learning 12.08.20

Hello boys and girls,


We hope you’ve had a lovely summer break and are looking forward to starting Primary 6 with us. We can’t wait to welcome you all into the top block and get to know you all. Things may be a little different when you come back into school to keep everyone safe. We will be doing lots of handwashing but don’t worry we are here to help you all settle back in.


Here are some tasks we would like you to think about for returning to school on Thursday. These are listed below:

Reflecting on P5

We would like you to think back to Primary 5 and reflect on:

What your strengths were and things that you enjoyed last year

Also areas you feel you would like to improve.



This year we are going to continue to develop our reading culture within the school. We would like you to think of your favourite book (that you have maybe read through lockdown) that you would recommend to someone else in the class and write a short book review. You can use the template below to help you.




Practise your maths skills on the following websites:

Addition and Subtraction



Times Tables and Division


See if you can beat your score within a minute


You can also log onto Sumdog and practise your own skills here.



We can’t wait to meet you all tomorrow.


Miss McKean and Mr Rooney

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