P6/5 Week ending Friday 22nd April




In language today we wrote letters about our activities over the Easter holidays.

For maths we continued to look at time and did an assessment on it.

Coding with Mrs B was great fun, as always.

We started looking at China, which will be our topic this term.


With Mrs D today the class did small jobs related to out door learning, such as cleaning out the big container

Maths: work on times tables including loop games,  table mountain and other games.

Language today was a listening comprehension on China.

We also continued our research on China.

As part of our health activities the class continued their research into possible future jobs and career paths.

For technology today we used big building bricks in small groups to make bridges.


Maths: we looked at data and ways of representing that at in charts and made our own charts

Language today was a reading comprehension on the recent winter Olympics in China.

As part of our health program Mark worked with the class on mental health.


Maths: started working on money.

PE: chose P.E. activities for the term: rugby and athletics. Also identified appropriate warm up activities and timetabling. Tried some of the activities.





Welcome back from P5!

Welcome back after our Easter break! We hope everyone had a brilliant time and are looking forward to our final term before the Summer!

This week we have had a look at Data and Data Analysis in Maths and Numeracy. We had to extract data from graphs and charts. One group also tried out creating their own bar charts and bar line charts.


In Writing we started our new genre – Information Report writing. We looked at the big book example which was all about Firefighters. We discussed all the elements of this and then created our own take on this.

In reading we continued our class novel and discussed some words we needed to clarify. Some examples were –



















Here are our thoughts on the story so far:

Ariah – It’s good, but at the end of every chapter it is a mystery as to what will happen next!

Erin R – In my opinion it is very nerve-wracking but exciting.

Ryley – When we first started the book I was wondering what would happen. Now I know the chapters are really short, I look forward to seeing what will happen next.

Gracie – The book is really exciting and I’m excited to see what the owl does!

In PE this week we began to learn the skills involved in badminton. We practised a low serve, high serve and how to return the shuttlecock to start a rally. We also practised keeping control of the shuttlecock on our racket.

We look forward to another week of learning next week!

A Weekly Round Up From P5

This week in Primary 5 has been a busy one!

In Green Gym this week we played a game where we were pretending to be bees collecting the pollen. For this, there were holes in cups and we had to collect water using these, trying not to lose too much water, then take it back to fill a bucket. When we were bringing it back we had to do a wiggle dance like a bee would! We found this funny but a little bit awkward too!

We then worked in groups using a variety of materials to create a shelter.

In digital learning we were coding using conditions and a hit command.

In Writing this week, we completed our Descriptive genre assessment. We got to choose a person to write about and describe. We described what they look like, their personality and the things they like to do.

Here we are busy at work on our assessments:

In Numeracy, we continued our money topic. We looked at adding and subtracting amounts of money as well as trying some money problems. We also played some interactive money games.

We also enjoyed doing some Easter activities!

We hope everyone has a lovely Easter and enjoys the holidays!!!

Blue Bird And Bunny - Happy Easter Gif Pictures, Photos, and Images for  Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Outdoor Learning


Deans Primary are trying to create a suitable and exciting outdoor learning space within the school grounds. Unfortunately, we are being hampered by vandals who destroy our newly planted trees, take apart out new Willow shelter and continually damage our bug hotel and newly erected structure that will be part of our area of biodiversity. On the last occasion some of the nursery items were also destroyed. The children and staff of the school would like to ask the community to support our endeavours.

P5’s Weekly Update

This week in P5 we have had another session of Green Gym where we continued to build the Willow Den but we also got the opportunity to do some tight-rope walking if we wanted to! This was lots of fun and made Mrs Hillan giggle quite a lot!

Ryley – I found it quite exciting to go on the tight-rope. At first I found it quite scary, but after a few times I enjoyed it.

Sophie C – I was looking at the tight-rope at thought that I didn’t want to go on it, but when I did, it was fine.

Chloe – The tight-rope was hard and when you got the hang of it, you could do it.

Olivia – I loved the tight-rope walk and I never even found it hard!

Lewis R – The tight-rope looked a bit scary, but when I went on it, it was fine.

Gracie – It was fun adding some bits to the willow den.

Sophie G – At first the tight-rope looked quite scary, but when you went on it was ok. I liked helping people go along it.

Kayleigh – At first I couldn’t get on, but when I did it was fun!

Kullyn – It was fun at first, but when I fell I got embarrassed. But it got better along the way.


In Writing this week we looked at poetry as Monday was World Poetry Day. We all discussed and then created our own ‘Thank you’ poems, where we said what a Thank you looks like, smells like, tastes like, sounds like and feels like. Have a look at some of our super efforts:

For Spelling this week we used our spelling words to create a ‘Spelling Poem’. Some of us put a lot of thought into these. It was good for us to know that a poem doesn’t have to rhyme. We also played a game where we wrote our spelling words twice and then shuffled them, turned them upside down and took turns trying to find spelling word pairs.


In Numeracy we completed our money assessments and played some interactive money games. Mrs Hillan tested our knowledge on giving change so that she knows how much we know so far. We also looked more in depth at counting amounts of money using coins and notes.

We completed our Roundhouses last week for our Celtic topic – take a look!!!

For our Space topic this week, we presented our group posters to the rest of the class.

Weekly Update from Primary 5

This week in Primary 5 we continued our digital learning block. We started off this week by looking at our internet user agreement and agreed on how we should behave online and the consequences for not behaving appropriately. We then continued our coding work.



In Spelling this week we tried a new technique for practising our words. Mrs Hillan gave us some art straws, and we used these to spell out our words!

In reading we have returned to looking at our reciprocal reading skills in Clarifying. We selected words from our text to guess their meaning, then try to work out their meaning using clues from the text. Here are some good words we picked:










In writing this week we created our second Descriptive piece, this time on a person we know. Mrs Hillan showed us an example that someone had written about their mum and she showed us an example she had written about her dad. We then used these to inspire us to write about one of the people who we love.

We had our second Green Gym session this week. One group helped to repair and secure a willow den in our field, and the second group created a burrow to hopefully help the bees to create a nest.


In topic this week we returned to our Space topic and in groups we created posters on individual planets. These posters will be presented in front of the class and then put into a whole class encyclopaedia. Here we are working on these:

P6/5 Week ending Friday 11th March


No Green Gym, so we took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside and looked at the trees and classified them (deciduous, evergreen, conifer, pine etc). In the afternoon we did a flow chart to help us look at classification

Maths – continued work on fractions, with most of the class looking at mixed numbers.

In language new spelling words went out.

In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing on passing and shooting.


In language today we created scripts for Macbeth and his good and evil consciences. We were able to use drama to help bring this to life, and LM excelled in this. We did this for extended writing, with some of the class working in small groups.

For maths we continued to look at fractions, with most of the class now having a much better understanding of equivalent fractions.

Coding with Mrs B was great fun, as always.


Maths: one group continued their work on fractions. The rest of the class consolidated their recent maths work by creating loop games.

Language today was extra spelling activity. We also finished writing our “Macbeth’s Consciences”.

Mrs D continued the work on planting trees and posted on Twitter for people to stop walking their dogs in the field.

For IDL we quickly went back over facts and myths in Scotland.


Maths: continued looking at equivalent fractions, drawing pizzas to help us.

Language today was working on questions about the new reading books to help with our comprehension. We also did an extra spelling activity, again.

For IDL we made “fortune tellers” about Henry VIII.

Some of the children helped support the P1s and 2s with their ICT.

We even managed to squeeze in a quick music lesson!


Maths: worked on more pizza!

PE: football activities with Mrs M. Also our class game: “Ball Tig”





Outdoor Learning

Once again Deans Primary have received a donation of saplings from the Woodland Trust. The children are not only hoping this will enhance the look of the school grounds but begin to support a Net Zero Community and improve the environment.

The children would like to ask all children, staff, parents, carers and members of the community to help us look after the saplings so they get the opportunity to grow into large, strong trees. Since they are newly planted and have not yet taken root we would appreciate it if you could stay away from the trees. If you see or hear of any issues with the trees can you please get in touch with Mrs Dobbie.


An update from P5

This week in Primary 5 we have had some more time on Digital Learning:

We were doing some more coding and we discussed what we wanted to be when we are older – Ariah

With coding we did stuff with a snail and a spider. The spider could pick up the snail and go back to where its’ web was – Gracie

We did something called Stepping through Space, where you had to guide a rocket to Planet Earth whilst avoiding asteroids and other planets – Erin R


In spelling this week we had the choice of creating a story using our spelling words or picking one of the spelling tasks we have. Some of us used pyramid writing, some rainbow writing and some of us practised with a partner using noughts and crosses or writing our words on our partner’s back etc.

In Numeracy we have been looking at money. Mrs Hillan wanted to see what we were able to do so far and what we already knew. We did some activities where we had to make amounts of money using various coins and counting up amounts of money. This required us to use our coin recognition skills as well as our addition skills.

In Writing we began our Descriptive writing block. This links in with our Narrative writing so we had a good place to start. We began this week by looking at the big book example which was all about the moon. We discussed each section and then wrote our own versions of the description, using our own words and phrases.


In topic this week we had a go at creating some Celtic designs and thought about incorporating these into a piece of jewellery.

We also started creating our Celtic Roundhouses. We chose the materials we wanted to use and how best to tackle the task. In each group we had a facilitator to oversee the whole task, a time keeper to watch the time that we had to complete the task, a materials manager who collected all the materials we needed, and a quality checker who checked how our roundhouse was looking as we went along. We will finish these next week!

We look forward to some more fun learning next week!

P6/5 Week ending Friday 4th March


Green Gym – we started this excellent activity today, with a problem solving task.

Maths – started looking at  scale, as this will help our understanding of the timelines we are working on

In language new spelling words went out. The class also wrote their narrative pieces “If I were a ….. “. The inspiration for this came from “Strawberry”, my pet snake which I had brought in and fascinated the class.

In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing keeping the ball close to the stick for accuracy on push passes. AS, SU, SD, EY  and SJR excelled.

For IDL today we carried on work on the timelines.


In language today we looked at the original script of “Macbeth” and some of the old fashioned words.

For maths we continued to look at scale.

For IDL today we continued work on the Tudors, with partners researching famous people from the time, and continued writing biographies about them. We also continued work on the timelines, adding baby photos and “Not to scale”



Maths: work on fractions including whole number.

Language today was another reading comprehension about the Tudors. The whole class found this very interesting.

The class was delighted to be able to at last support the P1s in ICT


With Ms T the class did activities relating to world book day.

We also did drama today based around “Macbeth”.

Mark worked with the class on a health activity on what will happen to the children in the future and they wrote letters to their future selves.

For IDL today we were finishing off work on biographies and timelines.



Maths: worked on times tables practise.

PE: tennis activities. Also our class game: “Ball Tig”





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