P7/6 Class


We have been learning to write an explanation text, how to use prepositions and we summarised the first chapter of our individual novels.


We have been learning to identify equivalent and simpilfy fractions.  We have also revised on factors and multiples.


We were learning to solve conflicts and understand how friendships might be able to be saved or why it might end.



We researched and presented our findings about Mars in front of the whole class.


Have  a great long weekend everyone!


P5’s Weekly Blog Post

We have had another great week this week.


Our new topic is, ‘Dinosaurs.’

Bailey – I enjoyed learning about the different theories about how the dinosaurs died.

Jaxson – I enjoyed drawing a dinosaur as part of my research.

Kyle – I enjoyed researching about the Spinosaurus. I learnt it goes in water at times.


We have been learning about floating and sinking.

Sofia – I am proud of the boat that I designed that held 100g!


Sophie – I am proud of my short division skills.


Bailey – I feel my reading comprehension skills have improved and I can answer a variety of different types of questions.

Update from P2

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week!


Max – “We have been learning how to write an explanation”

Jacob – “We had to explain how plants grow”

Jayden – “Plants need lots of soil and water or they will die”


Charli Mae – “We have been learning how to tell the time”

Louie – “We made clocks to help us learn how to tell the time”

Euan – “We have been learning all about o’clock”

Archie M – “The big hand is the minute hand and the small hand is the hour hand”


Andrew – “We were talking about bad touch and good touch”

Elizabeth – “A hug is good touch”

Connor – “A bad touch is punching”

Have a wonderful long weekend!Easter Sunshine! - Family Holiday Association

Update from P4/3

It has been another busy week in P4/3. We have been able to spend more time on our Egyptian topic and the children enjoyed learning why the River Nile was so important to the  Ancient Egyptians. We used our note taking skills to record information and discovered facts such as “The Nile would flood every year to help fertilise the soil for crops to grow” Brendan. As a class we enjoy directed drawings lessons. Not only does this improve our drawings skills, we have to listen and follow instructions to help create the best pictures. Here are some examples of our work:

In numeracy, we began to learn about the concept of multiplication. We discovered that multiplying is just “a quicker way of adding numbers together” Ethan. We explored sets of numbers and began to learn or revise the 2x, 5x and 10 x table. Please practise these tables with your child. The children love to add a competitive element to their learning and enjoy testing themselves against the timer in different games.

In literacy, we learned a new genre of writing, explanation writing. It was a little tricky for us to complete, but we will continue to practise over the coming weeks.

Have a lovely long weekend and I will check in with you next Friday.

Mrs Morrison

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This has been an exciting week in Primary 1B.

A pleasant Surprise!

On Monday we had a very extraordinary occurrence! After lunch we returned to our classroom to find a very suspicious trail of sparkly green glitter.

We followed the glitter all the way to our library corner, only to find a very burnt and stained rolled up piece of paper. It was such a mystery. We didn’t know what to think. Some of us thought a fairy or a leprechaun had been in our room. Upon reading the letter we found out it was actually from a very sad dragon, who had lost his home ‘Fairy Land’.

We have decided to help this sad dragon and rebuild Fairy Land in our classroom. We wrote some letters to ask Mrs Stewart if that would be ok because it’s going to be quite a big change!!



One of the problems the dragon had was that nobody was reading any Fairy tales anymore. We thought we would help out by reading the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. We decided that Jack definitely needed a beanstalk so we have started to make one alongside some sparkly magic beans because we all know that is how the beanstalk started! We used all sorts of different materials like, paint, collage and crayons, putting our artistic skills to good use. Some of us even added little beasties to the leaves in black pen. We definitely think the dragon will be impressed.


Watch this space for our final result, we think that Jack will be very pleased that he can climb his beanstalk again.

Health and Wellbeing

We were also very lucky this week to have the opportunity to meet Mrs Anderson (who has been delivering online Yoga sessions to us) in person!! Lotus Learn Yoga (her fabulous company) visited our playground on a very sunny Wednesday morning. We took part in a fun, energetic and dramatic yoga session. It was lots of fun and we cannot wait until our next session!

Thank you for reading our blog. This is only a snapshot of our very busy a super packed week in Primary 1B. We are looking forward to a lovely long weekend and hope that the sun shines for us.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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