Wednesday 24th February 2021 – P7

9am – 9:30am

Activity of choice from:



9:30am – 10:30am


Introduction of new genre – information report – video and activity from Miss Taylor




11am – 11:30am


Dictation videos for each group

Red – 

Blue – 


11:30am – 12:30pm


*Live* Next chapter of ‘Pig Heart Boy’ and related comprehension task





1:30pm – 2:15pm


Mixed problem revision/practise

Wed 24th Feb – Circles

Wed 24th Feb – Squares and Rectangles

Wed 24th Feb – Triangles


The Daily Rigour

The Daily Rigour 236

Answers –


2:30pm – 3:15pm


Whole school World Book Day challenge – planning stage

Primary 4 – Wednesday 24th February 2021

Image result for happy Wednesday gif


Good morning everyone, a reminder I am in school this week, so be patient if I don’t respond straight away. Here is the plan of our day: Daily Plan – Wed 24th Feb 2021 Start your day with Joe Wicks – follow this link –

Then move on to start your writing task – there is a video from Miss Taylor this week to introduce our new genre.



To present information.


I  can use a title to interest/inform my reader about the subject.

I can use topic vocabulary

I can use correct layout (PM Writing)

I can use genre targets

I can use my core targets


In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files is a writing lesson from Miss Taylor introducing our new writing genre – Information Report Writing. Here is the youtube link also:

Remember to write your stories in your jotters or paper. I will have a live check in with you all about 10:15 am to hear some examples of your writing!


11:00 – Numeracy – Live Lesson – Number Talk

Numeracy – follow up task

L/I To multiply numbers


T – I can multiply numbers by 2

S&C- I can multiply numbers by 3

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your task for today – Triangles Group (2x table task) and Squares & Circles Group (3x table task) will both be there – pick the task set for your group. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section. All tasks are in Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files. I will check back in with you all later around 12:15pm.

TRIANGLES -2x Table Task – Wed 24th Feb

SQUARES & CIRCLES – 3x Table Task – Wed 24th Feb


Below are your tasks for the afternoon – Reading , Spelling and Health & Wellbeing. I will check in at 2:15 and 3:00pm


In Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files, is a link to the next chapter of our story, Mr Stink, here is the youtube link also: Once you have listened to this you can try the Reading Comprehension task that is detailed below. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot activity – you can choose which one you want to do. Remember to challenge yourself where you can!! I will check back in with you all around 2:15


L/I To show my understanding of a text.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read as well as my skimming and scanning skills to locate key information to answer the questions about the text.


Task: Read the Comprehension Task on Valentines Day or Pancake Day and then answer the questions that follow. Remember you can go back to the text as often as you like and some questions may require to give your own answers and your opinion. Try to answer in full sentences where required. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot task to choose from. Add your completed comprehension into your folder, these can just be written on a piece of paper and don’t need to be printed off. You can choose which one to do, and also feel free to do both if you wish! Please remember, all tasks with me are in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’. If you finish, use the BLOOMS superhero cards to see if you can answer some questions on your own Group Reader (Raintree) – pick at least one question from each section to try. The Blooms Superhero card is in our folder.

MILD Reading VALENTINES Comprehension & Questions – Wed 24th Feb FINAL

SPICY Reading VALENTINES Comprehension & Questions – Wed 24th Feb – FINAL

HOT – Reading VALENTINES Comprehension & Questions – Wed 24th Feb FINAL


MILD Reading PANCAKE DAY Comprehension & Questions – Wed 24th Feb FINAL

SPICY Reading PANCAKE DAY Comprehension & Questions – Wed 24th Feb FINAL

HOT – Reading PANCAKE DAY Comprehension & Questions – Wed 24th Feb FINAL


Blooms Superhero Cards



Using your spelling words again, can you create a Hidden Picture with your spelling words– draw a picture of anything you wish and hide your spelling words within this. Add these/photo of these into your folder once finished.

Spelling – Hidden Picture Example – Wed 24th Feb

Spelling words list


Health & Wellbeing

There is a Cosmic Kids Yoga video link below, please try this and enjoy!!!

Or you can try any of these Wellbeing activities from the week:

Wellbeing activities – EXPRESS YOURSELF 22nd Feb 2021


Tomorrow it will be Mrs Lockhart back with you, she will also be in school, so please be patient. I shall see you all the following week on Teams. Have a lovely weekend when it comes!




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