Primary One – Wednesday 29th April 2020

                      Good Morning Everyone! Tuesday Clipart For Kids

Happy Wednesday! Hope you are all well and ready for another day of learning! You should now have received your 2 week learning pack. Enjoy!! A few additional task for you to complete.

Activity 1 – Phonics  Children Learning Pictures | Free download on ClipArtMag  w sound

L.I. to develop automatic sound letter recognition

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds I know to say a word I recognise

S.C. I can write this letter to spell words with this sound

In your phonics and spelling booklet you have a page similar to the one below. Please practice tracing the Ww letters in your booklet. Keep thinking about the 3 witches hats – down up down up!

Activity 2 –  Wishing Well

Log onto educationcity (you have your own password it is printed onto a label which has been stuck into your jotter in pack 1) then-

Click into subjects

Then click into literacy

Then choose Early **

Lastly scroll down to wishing well and click on it.

Enjoy playing the wishing well game!

Activity 3- ReadingFree Clip Art Children Reading Books | Clipart Panda - Free ...

L.I. to read words and sentences

S.C. I can re-tell a story in the correct order

I hope you have enjoyed reading The Ice Rink




Can you draw a picture and write a sentence about what happens in the story? Split your page into 3 and write at the top-

Beginning                                   Middle                                    End

Then use your book to help you decide the order of the story. Enjoy!

Activity 4- Numeracy Free Numbers Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

L.I To recognise numbers up to 20

S.C. I can listen to a number and then match it to the correct number

Again login into educationcity

Click into subjects

Then click into Numeracy Early **

Choose Jack in the Box


Activity 5 – Health and Wellbeing

The Definition of Mindfulness


What is mindfulness, and why is it important?

Mindfulness is about focusing on the present, and being aware of what is going on both inside and outside, in a non-judgmental way. It’s about noticing physical sensations and emotional responses, as well as your connection to other people and to your surroundings. (first discovers)

Mindfulness is a tool we promote in school as it has many benefits described below.

It helps to increase attention span

It helps you understand and regulate your emotions

It helps with stress management and general wellbeing

It helps you become more aware of your body and your senses

It helps to develop empathy and compassion for others.

A few activities for you try at home.


Have a great day. I will post more activities tomorrow.


Primary 2 – Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all ready for another day of fun learning activities!


I began writing a story yesterday and got stuck with the ending – I am hoping you can all help me finish it off! The last part I wrote was:

“The spaceship crashed. When the doors opened…”

Can you help me finish the story? I am looking for 3 or more sentences with lots of adjectives to describe the setting and characters. I would also like capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces as all these things help to make a fantastic story. I can’t wait to see how you finish off my story!

If you would like some help with adjectives, follow this link which gives you some more information:


Follow the link for your group to find spelling games for your words this week. There is also a link for the tricky words.

Green group –

Purple group –

Pink group –

Yellow group –

Blue group –

Tricky words –


We are going to practise doubles and near doubles for the rest of this week. First, it would be great if you could watch the doubles song to refresh your memory.

Once you have watched the doubles song, answer these questions in your jotter:

  • 9 + 9
  • 6 + 6
  • 2 + 2
  • 8 + 8
  • 12 + 12

What strategies are you using to work out the answers to the questions? Can you find the most efficient strategy?


As times are manic just now it can be good to stop and take part in some exercise and mindfulness. Below I have attached the link for a yoga session to help stretch out your body and give you a brain break. I’m sure Mrs Anderson would love to know that you have been doing some yoga! Try this out to see if it helps:

First Bus Competition

First Bus have created a competition in which you need to design your very own bus! Remember to make your designs bright, colourful and unique! Once you have designed your bus, send it to the social media accounts in the picture and you might win a prize! Happy designing and good luck!


When you open the site, click the pink button at the top which says “My class login”. The class login details are as follows: username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey       Once logged in, click the button that says “My Bookshelf”.  This will take you to lots of ebooks. Please have a look below to find out which book to read. Once you have read the book, discuss what you have read. Can you add a new character into the story?

Green group – Leek Hotpot

Purple group – By the stream

Pink group – Dad, can you do this?

Yellow group – Clothes for Rain

Blue group – Can you see me?

I’ll be back tomorrow with some more fun learning activities!

Deans Den

Happy Wednesday everyone!! I hope you are all safe and well and managing to complete some of your home learning. Inside your Deans Den booklet there is a Spring flower hunt worksheet and maybe when you head outside for your daily exercise, you could look for some of the flowers and try to draw them! Remember to send any of your work to the school e-mail and I will access it from there.

On Wednesdays, we usually attend Mrs Anderson’s yoga class and learn about the different ways of keeping our bodies and minds healthy. I have found a clip from ‘Cosmic Yoga’ which demonstrates  yoga moves linked to one of our favourite stories, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Try it out and maybe ask some of your family members to join in!!

P5 Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning!Choose a work-out Joe Wicks for example ( or Go Noodle.

Smart Start – Quiet Reading – chat will go on at 9:55.

Numeracy – LI To divide – SC I can use the grouping strategy.

Watch this video: which also gives information about remainders.

Complete the learning activity: Choose a level. Try the grouping strategy or if you prefer use one of the other methods. If you do complete any working out do so in your jotter please!


spicy division


spicier division including remainders

After Break


LI To spell plurals. SC I can spell the plural of words ending in f and fe.

Look at the PowerPoint. Think about what you noticed when making these words plural (more than one). Spelling words ending in f and fe

Complete the Worksheet:Irregular Plural Nouns

(1 star -spicy, 2 stars – spicier, 3 stars – spiciest.) Answers are at the end and when it says circle the incorrect word you will need to write this word in your book.

Morning Brain break – Cosmic Kids yoga : Cosmic kids

Spelling Extensions


  1. click on 2 and drag the letters to spell the word.


3. – Choose the phonics you would like to practise.


1. click on 3 and 4 then work through the program


3. click on 3 and 4




3. click on 5 and 6 then work through the different parts of the game

Then if you have time go onto SUMDOG. (The spelling section. )

After Lunch

French-Watch the following clip:

Check out the French Powerpoint :French Clothes PowerPoint

Learning Activity: Choose

  1. Design a poster showing what you have learnt about French clothes
  2. Draw and label clothes with French words. Use this worksheet to help you.(1 star=spicy, 2 stars = spicier and 3stars = spiciest.) Answers are at the back.French clothes activity sheet

Geography – Go to

Watch the videos and then complete EITHER activity 1 or 2. (If you are able to do both that is great!)

The worksheet you need for activity 2 is here –Geography worksheet

Before you go: If you have google earth on your computer you can take a virtual hike along the grand canyon: It takes a bit of getting used to! Remember with this you can go anywhere in the world!,-112.14321948,2082.34814453a,0d,60y,-4.9786159h,83.81222441t,0r/data=CjASLhIgYWM3MWNmNzgyZWQ1MTFlOThiZTQ0NWEzN2RiYmYzMTEiCmdjc19pdGluXzE

Rainbow writing challenges P5 – 7

Please have a look at the RAINBOW FAMILY LEARNING SECTION for this week –

Somewhere over  the rainbow”- Music Education Partnership Group

You will know, and may be have been taking part in, the weekly “Clap for NHS” on a Thursday night at 8 o’clock. In many streets people have started to play instruments too, so the Music Education Partnership Group are challenging musicians to play the song “Somewhere over the rainbow” this Thursday.

The first choice for P5-7 writing is linked to this and instructions are below-

Somewhere over the rainbow writing for P5-7

The second choice is linked to the movie that the song came from-

Somewhere over the rainbow writing for P5-7 story

Mindfulness Quotes    (look at poster 5!)


P6/7 April 28, 2020

Victorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Higher AbilityVictorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Lower AbilityVictorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Medium AbilityActivity Sheet Viking Timeline

Spicy- Questions and Answers – HA

Hot- Questions and Answers – MA

Mild- Questions and Answers -LA


Instruction  simplifying fractions

simplifying fractions ks2 simplifying fractions

Extra Spicy



Picasso inspired self portrait

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