Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 11/10/24
Every fortnight we will issue our chronicle to families via email and our blog.
All other information about Calderwood is on our blog and on Twitter we highlight our achievements.
Calderwood Calendar:
- Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
- 14/10/24-21/10/24: School closed: October Break (Nursery open)
- 22/10/24 – 24/10/24: West Lothian Food Bank Collection: Click here for more information.
- 24/10/24: 2:00pm – 3:00pm: Sharing the Learning: Leven, Rannoch & Tay: A visit to the clan room to find out about their Literacy context for learning and to look at your child’s jotters. One adult per child please. Please enter through the Glencoe Gate (car park gate) and meet in the playground. If you are running late please report to the office.
- 25/10/24: Halloween Dress Down Day: All clans: No masks please and school age-appropriate costumes. Primary 1 – 2 Clans Halloween Parties: See more information here.
- 28/10/24: After School Club Block 1 (P5-P7) starts: Successful applicants will receive a letter to notify them of a place.
- 29/10/24: Parent Council Halloween Discos P3-4 clans: 5:45-6:45pm – P5-7 clans: 7:00-8:00pm: See more information here.
- 30/10/24: Flu Vaccinations
- 01/11/24: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Doune: Doors Open 9:05am: An opportunity for our Doune children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then adults can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child.
Calderwood Communication:
- Parent Council: Halloween Sweetie Bags Fundraiser
- House Meeting: This week we had our first House Meeting. Find out more about it in this blog post.
- Financial Education Sessions in P3-7: Last week Money Advice Scotland visited our clans to support our numeracy curriculum. Click here to find out more.
- Parking: There are spaces in our carpark for blue badge holders, only those with a blue badge should park in this space, and leave room for families to enter and exit their vehicle. There is no parking along the side of the building on the Nethershiel Road.
- Bikes/ scooters: A gentle reminder that the school cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping of bikes and scooters. We would recommend that bikes and scooters are locked during the school day. The community police team are visiting after the holidays and they will speak to the older clans about respecting others property.
Calderwood Cares:
- Sustainability Station & Community Cupboard: In our foyer we have a range of school uniform items and household supplies. You can find out more here.
- Blair Clan had our first Clan Connects of the session all about the Cost of the School Day and how we will use our Participatory Budget. A huge well done to Blair Clan for sharing their learning on this important theme.
- Find out more about what we do to reduce the cost of the school day here.
- Calderwood Couture purchasing options: Click here to find out different options on how to purchase our school uniform.
- Thank you to our Parent Council for organising a Halloween Costume Bank.
Calderwood Compliments:
- We had a Connects all about our value of Integrity! Ask your child what integrity looks like in Calderwood.
- Thank you to our Parent Council for purchasing new PE equipment for us through the Magic Miles fundraiser.
- Thank you to our Calderwood Chiefs for presenting our term 1 update, at our Parent Council meeting last week.
- We loved seeing such a big turn out for Champion Conversations this week. Thank you to all our P5-7 children for supporting the event, and to our partners who joined us. We are very grateful to everyone who purchased a book, money raised from this will go to topping up our clan libraries, novels collection and Discovery Den.
Our Very First House Meetings!
This afternoon, we had our very first House Meetings in our four houses:
Fallow, Red, Roe and Sika.
Our Junior Leadership did a fantastic job introducing themselves properly to all of our houses and sharing more about themselves. The children then got the chance to speak to someone they didn’t already know, or find out something new about someone that they did know.
There was such a sense of belonging, particularly as the children wore their house colours.
We look forward to our next house meetings!
Financial Education Sessions
Last week, our P3-7 clans took part in Financial Education Sessions, kindly delivered by Money Advice Scotland.
These sessions looked at Introduction to Money, Budgeting for Events, and Banking and Borrowing.
The children thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and learning about such an important subject.
West Lothian Foodbank Collection
Please see the attached regarding a collection for West Lothian Foodbank.
Thank you for your support.
Baird Clan Connects
On Friday morning, Baird Clan came together to share their learning with their families and the rest of the school community through their Clan Connects.
The children told us all about the Cost of the School Day and their important role in deciding how our Participatory Budget is spent. They did an amazing presentation and we are so proud of each and every one of our learners.
Baird Clan then spent some time with their adults, sharing more of their learning.
Thank you to all parents and carers who were able to come along to support Baird Clan on Friday morning.
Nursery Menu
Ben Lawers 27.10.24
Hi Folks,
We have been enjoying Maths Week Scotland in Ben Lawers clan. In number, pupils have been exploring multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.We have been exploring the decimal point and using 0 as a place holder.
In maths we have been measuring the weight of every day objects using scales with Mr Gannon.
As part of our Calderwood Clan Explorers focus we have been exploring temperatures on mountains. By using what we know about negative number we have been comparing temperatures from the top and bottom of mountains, discussing what effects these temperatures and how to find the average temperature.
Rannoch Clan – Maths Week Scotland
As part of Maths Week Scotland, Rannoch clan have been using their measuring skills to conduct an experiment! Within our IDL topic called ‘Calderwood Clan Explorers’, Rannoch have been learning about Loch Rannoch, the water cycle and the big question ‘why does it rain so much in Scotland?’.
To answer this question, we decided to make our own rain gauges to measure the amount of rain that falls here in Calderwood. We constructed these using recycled plastic bottles and used our knowledge of measuring to create a scale on the side of the bottle in centimetres. We then placed our bottles somewhere safe in the playground where we can record, explore and analyse the data next week.
Tummel Clan’s Creative Calculations
This week, we learned about a famous artist called Wassily Kandinsky. We learned that he is well-known for creating abstract paintings using shapes, lines and colour. In Numeracy, we have been exploring place value, with pupils learning to build numbers to 1,000 and 10,000. Inspired by Kandinsky’s “Several Circles”, we created abstract art using size to represent our chosen number, broken into its individual place value parts.
We also had a lot of fun creating our own origami animal bookmarks to celebrate this year’s Maths Week theme, ‘Maths Tales’. Origami involves turning a flat piece of paper into a 3D object, requiring lots of spatial awareness! We also discussed the fractions involved as we folded the paper into halves and quarters. As we creased the paper, we realised how important the relationship between the lines and angles created are to the final design of the origami creation!