Leven and Rannoch Clan Connects

This morning, Leven and Rannoch Clans came together to share their learning with their families and the rest of the school community through their Clan Connects.

The children told us all about Resilience and Growth Mindsets and the importance of thinking positively.  They did an amazing presentation and we are so proud of each and every one of our learners.

Leven and Rannoch Clans then spent some time with their adults, sharing more of their learning from the year so far.

Thank you to all parents and carers who were able to come along to support Leven and Rannoch Clans this morning.

Financial Education Sessions

Last week, our P3-7 clans took part in Financial Education Sessions, kindly delivered by Money Advice Scotland.

These sessions looked at Introduction to Money, Budgeting for Events, and Banking and Borrowing.

The children thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and learning about such an important subject.

MoneyAdviceScotland (@moneyadvicescot) / X

Leven Clan- Maths Week Scotland

This week as part of Maths Week Scotland, Leven Clan became Meteorologists!

Through our IDL topic – Calderwood Clan Explorers we have been learning about water, where it comes from and what creatures live in and around the water. The questions that everyone wanted to know was.. “Why does it rain so much at Calderwood?”.

In answer to this question we have explored the water cycle and why and how weather differs in different areas around the globe. We then used our knowledge of measurement to create a rain gauge from recycled plastic bottles.

Next week we will collect data from our rain gauges to measure how many centimetres of rain fall there has been.

Leven: Description Writing

In Leven clan, we began our learning about description texts by creating our own sea creatures using line, shape and colour. We then wrote a description explaining our creature to our peers. We tried to use interesting adjectives in order to bring our sea characters to life and make the description exciting for the reader.

This week, we have continued to develop our descriptive writing skills by using the ‘describing bubble’. We used the well known character of Mr Tickle as our stimulus and used as many adjectives and descriptive phrases as we could to describe him.

We then learned about the purpose and structure of a description text, developing our understanding further of each section.

Finally, we wrote our own description text about Mr Tickle, using the skills and knowledge that we have developed.



‘Our Clan is a Family’- Leven

Leven clan have had a fantastic start to P4, we have been working hard getting to know one another and  building our classroom community! We took part in a number of activities that allowed us to express ourselves and work co-operatively.

We explored the story “Our Class is a Family” and took part in a meaningful discussion about how we can make our clan a supportive and positive environment for all learners. We touched on important topics such as respect, growth mindset and kindness.

Leven clan also helped Mrs Bates lead our connects this week, where they introduced everyone to our first value ‘Belonging’. They presented what belonging meant to them and how they belong Calderwood.

Almond Valley Trip

Tummel, Tay, Rannoch, Leven and the P2s from Linlithgow had the best day at Almond Valley this week.  We learned all about shale and the mining that used to happen in West Lothian.  We saw lots of animals and learned about their habitat and what they eat.  We also had lots of fun in the park.  Thank you to all the adults who helped us on our trip.

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