Author: Miss Burton
Creepy Calderwood Event
Calderwood Council: Parents: 21/10/21 Minutes
Calderwood Community: Parents/ Carers Meeting Agenda
Calderwood Nursery Tour
Primary 1 – 3 Playground Collection
Dear parent/ carer,
A gentle reminder that no adults should enter the playground at collection time until 3:05pm, when our champions will open the gate. Parents/ carers should not open the gate. Can you please share this information with whoever collects your child from school. The reason this is in place is because children use the playground for learning up until 3:05pm.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
P.E Days Term 2
Creepy Calderwood Event
Creating Our Calderwood Council
Collection Arrangements
Dear parent/ carer,
I hope you had an enjoyable October Break.
In order to streamline collection at the end of the day we are going to make the following adjustments:
Primary 1- 3 adults can enter through Glencoe Gate and/ or Glenshee Gate between 3:05-3:15pm. After 3:15pm, our one way system is in operation, entering only through Glenshee Gate and leaving only through Glencoe Gate. This is in place for the safety of our children, as it allows us to see that all Primary 1- 3 children have been collected and Primary 4 – 6 have safely exited the playground. It also ensures our children can collect their bikes and scooters safely.
Other reminders:
– Glencoe will continue to be the accessibility gate.
– Adults in the playground should wear masks.
– The carpark can be used to park for collecting children, parking on the side of the road is not recommended when we currently have parking spaces available.
– Please do not park at the loading bay at the front of the school, this is for deliveries (where the cones usually are).
– Dogs are not permitted in the playground.
– Bikes and scooters should be walked through the playground.
– We are still unable to use the grass areas.
– We are still unable to use the grass areas.
Please ensure whoever is collecting your child is aware of the arrangements.
We look forward to welcoming our children back tomorrow.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
Miss Burton