Community Information: Appeals for Ukraine

Some advice from our Parent Council
Many parents have been in touch looking to see what we can do to support and help those in need in Ukraine.
We want to be sensitive with drawing attention to this, with some children whose families would rather not make them aware of what is going on as it would cause distress, however there are still many ways in which families can help.
If you would like to help please find below some links that may be useful.

Calderwood Can: 11/03/22

Our Ben Lawers and Lomond Clans started British Science Week by organising and teaching a Science Friday Takeover with all our clans.

They nominated children from each clan for a certificate for their contribution and participation in the science tasks!

Congratulations everyone and thank you to our Ben Clans for organising such a successful event.


Dear parent/ carer,
I hope you had a lovely weekend, just a wee email with a few updates and reminders.
Outdoor shoes
A lot of our children are keen to play on the grass areas which can be muddy and damp at times. A gentle reminder that if your child wants to play in this area they should have a pair of outdoor shoes (that they can keep in school) – wellies or old trainers with a change of socks. This will help ensure they are comfortable during clan time and prolong the life of our carpets.
Planting – Wednesday 16th March
Miss Christie has organised a Super Spud planting session through RHET on Wednesday. All clans will take part in this, please ensure your child has outdoor shoes to change into, a warm jacket and it might be advisable to wear comfy bottoms – like what they wear on P.E days.
Calderwood Magic Miles
If you are sharing your photos on Twitter, please don’t put your child’s name on the tweet. It is okay to add the clan name. This will help keep everyone safe.
Tempest Photos: Clans: 24th March
On 24th March Tempest will take official group photos of our clans for you to purchase. Please ensure your child is wearing school uniform on that day and not P.E kit. They take their shoes off for the photo, so their socks will be on display.
Have a lovely week!
Kind regards,
Miss Burton

West Lothian Sumdog Competition Starts Today!

Huge good luck to all our amazing Calderwood Primary School Children, they have now been entered into the West Lothian Sumdog Maths Contest! The contest will run between Friday 11th March and Thursday 17th March. Your child can access the competition by logging in via the following link and using their unique username and password along with the school code Calderwood2:

This competition is a fantastic way to compete against lots of other Primary students, have fun and develop numeracy/maths skills at the very same time. If your child has forgotten their details, please do get in touch with the school office as we’d be more than happy to assist.

Calderwood Magic Miles 2022

Calderwood Magic Miles 2022

Please add at the top of your sponsor sheet, ‘miles completed’ to allow us to total up, so we can see how far we have travelled.

Please can all donations be handed into the nursery/ school by 31st March.

Good luck…
Kind regards,
Calderwood Parent Council
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