We are delighted to announce that our recent Dress Down Day has raised an amazing £423.34. This money will be donated to The Warm Hub in East Calder. Thank you to our generous Calderwood families for your donations!
Author: Mrs Warden
Nursery Chronicle 26.1.24
Nursery Chronicle 19.1.24
Dress Down Day Friday 26th January 2024
Calderwood Primary School will be using our dress down day on Friday 26th January to raise money for ‘The Hub’ in East Calder.
Pupils are welcome to bring in a donation for Dress Down Day. Donations can also be made on ipayimpact.
Calderwood Nursery Chronicle
Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 15.12.23
Calderwood Nursery Chronicle
Calderwood Nursery Chronicle
Calderwood PEF Summary
Dear Parent/Carers,
A copy of our school PEF summary for session 2023-2024 can be found here.
Cost of the School Day Statement
Cost of the School Day Statement
Calderwood Primary School’s vision is that all pupils, regardless of circumstance, have the opportunities and support they need to go ‘beyond the dream.’ The statement illustrates the strategies and measures we have/will put in place to address the cost of the school day.