Bellsquarry Primary School

May 11, 2018
by User deactivated
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A Special Visitor

Look who we found in the playground yesterday!  We have investigated and think it may be a French bee so perhaps an unusual find?  We made sure he found a dandelion and put him into the woods to avoid feet.

May 11, 2018
by User deactivated
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Bee Happy!

Greetings from the ‘Perfect Pollinators’.  We have been very hard at work at work creating our bee board, designing and choosing a logo and getting ready for our pollination week, 22-25 May and tea party, Thursday the 31st May at 2.00.

If you are planning to volunteer and/or attend the tea party, please let Mrs Marra know for organising and catering.  We will keep you posted as the week progresses to let you know how things are going.  If you are planning to come to the tea party, you are welcome to come dressed in garden party attire!

We would like to thank everyone for their support thus far in donating items for our project.  We would also like to thank Bellsquarry and Adambrae Community Council for donating £100.  We have purchased a bench for the community area from a local source.

We look forward to seeing you all soon.  Until then…bee happy!

May 11, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Primary 5’s Science Centre Trip

Yesterday we travelled through to Glasgow to visit the Science Centre. We had an excellent time. When we were looking around the exhibits, we found that there were lots of experiments that we could try. One of our favourites involved creating a store of energy so that we could launch a rocket! We also had lots of fun in the Wacky Saloon where we had trouble staying upright because of the strange sloping floors! After we had explored the centre, we went to the IMax theatre where we watched a 3D under water documentary. It felt as though the fish were actually swimming towards us.

This week we have started our class talks. We are all going to prepare and present a talk about one of our favourite hobbies. We have really enjoyed the talks that we have heard so far and are looking forward to finding out about more hobbies next week.

May 8, 2018
by User deactivated
Comments Off on Primary 2

Primary 2

We have our caterpillars and plants. Both of them are growing. We will have to take great care of them.


We were doing some more multiplication.

We wrote very long stories about Jack and the Beanstalk.

We thought how we could use  plastic bottles to make useful objects. We watched a clip about the Titanic and it was very interesting.

Primary 2 started doing Book Reviews for our book reading during ERIC time.

We looked at Poems to look for rhyming words and some missing words.

May the fourth go with you!


May 3, 2018
by Ruth McMaster
Comments Off on Big Bedtime Math App Family Learning Event

Big Bedtime Math App Family Learning Event

We are delighted to invite you and your child(ren) to Bellsquarry Primary School’s Bedtime Maths event.

Wednesday 16th May 2018 

6pm – 7pm

This family learning event is a fantastic opportunity to share information about a new maths app which can be used to introduce children to the wide range of contexts where maths occurs in daily life.

Everyone is invited to come along wearing their pyjamas and we will be serving hot chocolate and cookies.

On the night there will be lots of different maths tasks for families to solve together and there will be the opportunity to see the app in action.

If you are interested in attending this event please return the slip below to school no later than Wednesday 9th May.

Yours sincerely,

Jillian Millar

Cluster DHT for Numeracy


Oops – Apologies, typo on May newsletter! Our Bedtime Maths family learning event is on Wednesday 16th (not 18th) May from 6-7pm.


May 3, 2018
by Ruth McMaster
Comments Off on You are invited to our Pollination Launch Party

You are invited to our Pollination Launch Party

Bellsquarry Primary School & Nursery children and staff would like to invite you to join us at our Pollination Launch Party

on Thursday 31st May from 2.00 – 3.00 p.m.

R.S.V.P. by 11th May 2018

Please find below a link to our invitation which has been sent home via parent mail today.

Pollination Invitation                            

April 27, 2018
by User deactivated
Comments Off on Paints and Problems in P1

Paints and Problems in P1

Primary One are super excited to start their new topic of the ‘Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ with a seaside focus. Miss Ward and Mrs Martin are helping the children to learn new skills in creating and using multimedia and a variety of techniques to make our own version of the story.  We are using our literacy skills to keep a Lighthouse Keeper’s log book and for other interesting pieces of functional and imaginative writing. We will be very excited to share this learning with our parents at our very own Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch on Friday the 1st of June. More information to follow.

We were also busy rescuing Holly, the cat, from the witch using a variety of problem solving strategies and working with a partner. You’ll need to ask a P1 pupil about it if you’d like more information.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

April 22, 2018
by User deactivated
Comments Off on Primary 2 News

Primary 2 News

This week we have been looking more closely at Eco Systems and how we all depend on each other to survive. We also understand how these can be destroyed by a simple action or by a huge environmental happening.

Primary 2 have been looking at the flowers  in the school outside area, drawing them, naming them and describing them.

We also watched the start of the ‘My Home is Green ‘ and we are all keen to see the end. It is a story of friendship between an ant and a caterpillar after a change in their home environment.

Fantastic work in class using brainstorming/floorbooks, creating Spring poems, Primary 2 enjoy sharing ideas in this way, wonderful work!

Class have also been introduced to the concept of multiplication.

Lots of interesting ideas bouncing round about.

Thank you to parents who had the time to visit the Communnity Cafe on Friday.



April 13, 2018
by User deactivated
Comments Off on Greetings from P1

Greetings from P1

We have certainly been busy bees since returning on Monday! Some of our activities included helping Farmer Green to get George the cat down from the barn roof, hiding numbers in our heads and using fingers and chins to add/subtract and trying our hands at healthy heart jump rope fun!

Primary One at Bellsquarry is a great place to be 😊 Enjoy your weekend everyone.

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