Bellsquarry Primary School

September 14, 2018
by User deactivated
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The P2 class are settling into their new routines. We are a little bit older and there are lots more things to do!

We have been trying hard to listen to all the different instructions and do everything a little bit quicker. The cloakroom is very busy so it is important to keep our shoes together and be very tidy with our coats.

In the classroom we are learning different ways to look at numbersĀ  from 1-100 and investigating shape, 2D and 3D.

We are being positive about our friendships, and trying hard to be caring and listen to others ideas.

We are reading the Rainbow Fish and thinking about what happened to him in the story and what he had to do for his friends.

We are also looking at the changing colours of the trees and looking out for Autumn fruits.

September 14, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Scottish Maths Week in Primary 4

This week was Scottish Maths Week so we have been busy doing lots of different maths activities in Primary 4. Some of the highlights that we remember include:

  • the ‘Bedtime Maths’ event on Wednesday afternoon – we worked with Primary 2 so that we could tackle lots of different challenges and problems. We really liked the problem about shoes and pyjamas!
  • designing our own circle patterns – we had to use rulers to draw overlapping triangles and create a pattern. It looked like there was a star in the middle.
  • ‘365 Penguins’ book – we listened to the story which was about a family that got one penguin each day for a whole year! We worked in groups to solve some problems based on the story. One of the problem solving strategies that we used was to draw a diagram. We had to draw pyramid patterns to organise the penguins.

September 6, 2018
by Miss Easton
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First Weeks of Primary 6!

Hello everybody! In our first few weeks of Primary 6, we spent lots of time getting to know each other, our new teacher and our new upper school responsibilities. We have designed t-shirts all about ourselves and had lots of fun talking about our summer holidays. Take a look at our emoji themed class charter display. In order to create this, we discussed expected behaviours in our class and school and then picked what UNCRC articles best fitted our classroom. By making our own emojis, we have agreed to follow and respect these rules and rights. Miss Easton has made one too!

We have been trying to keep physically healthy in P.E. by participating in team building games, fitness circuits and in-class exercise videos. However, we have also been working on keeping our mind healthy by participating in Growth Mindset activities about perseverance and determination.

In Literacy, we have started our class novel study on the book ‘Wonder’ by R. J. Palacio. It is about a boy called August who has Treacher-Collins Syndrome. We have been exploring different character personalities, emotions and questioning. In Numeracy and Maths we revised important vocabulary and answered questions to refresh our knowledge.

Other things we have been learning are:
-Social Studies (The Jacobites) – we discussed what we wanted to learn in this topic and worked as a class to find out when the Jacobite uprising occurred. In Art with Mrs Martin we have been exploring facial features and have started to design portraits which will link to our topic.
-Science (Electrical Circuits) – we revised the symbols for equipment in an electrical circuit. We also spoke about complete and incomplete circuits. In the next few weeks we will hopefully get to use the equipment to test it out!
A big well done to Anna and Taylor for being awarded the first certificates of the school year!

We are looking forward to taking on new experiences and challenges in Primary 6.
Alix and Kaitlyn

August 31, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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If I were in charge of the World!

This week, in Primary 4, we have been writing poems about ‘if they were in charge of the World’. We came up with very imaginative ideas and then used our best handwriting to create final copies of our poems.

August 31, 2018
by User deactivated
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Primary One Reflections

Here are a few things that P1 had to say about their week!

  • Always try our best
  • Listen to learn
  • It was a good week
  • We need to be organised and take care of ourselves
  • We are learning new things like how to write our name and draw
  • We like to be happy at school
  • We like to do PE – ball skills and Sticky Kids
  • We had art with Mrs Martin and started to make some trees
  • We had science with Mrs Gilmour and we compared the colour of our eyes
  • We used technology, 2D shape and problems solving to do our maths

It was a busy but great week!Ā  We are all ready for the weekend.


August 24, 2018
by User deactivated
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What a Great Start in Primary 1!

Despite all of the new things, routines and longer days, the pupils of Primary One have settled in beautifully!Ā  Mrs Gaspar is very proud of them all.Ā  We have done so much in such a short time.Ā  This morning Mr Hunter did a ‘Welcome Back to School’ assembly and the children were all engaged and enjoyed it.

I wish you all a lovely weekend.Ā  Please get some rest as it is sure to be a busy week back.

August 23, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Primary 4’s First Week

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4 so far. Some of the things that we have really enjoyed include writing and drawing our summer holiday postcards. We are looking forward to seeing them up on the wall in class. We have also been brainstorming ideas about what makes an excellent pupil and have started to create our ‘Perfect P4 pupil’ posters. In PE we played drama games, team games and even did some relay races. We liked it when we got to choose from our fast finishers list and lots of us decided that we wanted to create our own underwater pictures.

June 14, 2018
by User deactivated
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P1 and the Train Creation Challenge

The Primary Ones and families certainly made some creative and fantastic trains and PowerPoints. Mrs Mills, Miss Ward, Miss Morrison and I were all very surprised and impressed with what the children brought in. Ā Each pupil showed their creation and explained how it was made. What was really lovely was how much they seemed to enjoy sharing the creative process with their family members! We then invited the whole school to come and have a look. The children engaged very well with questions and comments presented to them.

June 8, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Primary 5 Enterprise

We have been working hard this week to get our board games ready to present to other classes. Along with creating our actual games, we have also been making powerpoint presentations, writing scripts, designing posters and even producing business cards. We are really looking forward to showing off our games and finally getting to play them!

June 7, 2018
by User deactivated
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Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch Celebration

Well, it has been almost a week since Primary One’s amazing assembly and perfectly wonderful picnic with families coming along. The children enjoyed performing and sharing their learning and they were so good at it all! Ā It was clear that the pupils had learned a great deal. Thank you to all the family members who came along to support us. We certainly had a beautiful day for our picnic. Ā Here is just a selection of the many photos taken on the day.

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