Bellsquarry Primary School

December 7, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Primary 4 Christmas Fayre

This week we have been busy preparing for the Christmas Fayre. We have added the finishing touches to our beautiful Indian calendars and have used our technology skills to make pop up Christmas toys and tasty candy cane reindeer. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Fayre!

November 16, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Around the World in Primary 4

This week in Primary 4 we have been preparing for our journey around the World! We have designed our own suitcases with illustrated stickers for the different countries that we are going to be finding out more about. We also finished reading Around the World in 80 Days. We wrote our own summaries to describe the main characters and events. Next week we are going to use atlases to draw in the route that Fogg took on his journey around the World.

November 9, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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This week in Primary 4

This week in Primary 4 we have been thinking about how and why people can save water. We used our literacy skills to create our own persuasive water posters. We were trying to encourage people to save water rather than waste it.

In maths we have started to use chimney sums to help us to add bigger numbers. We learned that it was really important to lay out the sums correctly.

As it is Remembrance Day on Sunday and 100 years since the end of the First World War, we have been thinking about both of the World Wars. We learned that poppies are used to help us to remember the men and women that gave their lives during the wars. We found out that poppies grew on the battlefield. We also heard about some of the celebrations that people had at the end of the war.

October 26, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Primary 4

Yesterday afternoon we were busy developing our creativity and art skills. We were practising using oil pastels and watercolour paints to make our own water lilies pictures. We mixed colours to make backgrounds for our paintings and are looking forward to adding our detailed water lilies next week.

October 26, 2018
by User deactivated
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Woodland Wonder

Yesterday afternoon Primary One enjoyed a wonderful afternoon in the woods with Eilidh from Woodland Trust. We gathered magic listening leaves, built two hedgehog houses, made a woodland wind chime, saw the fairy houses, had an aerial display by a buzzard and saw apples growing in the new orchard. We loved it all! Here are a few snapshots of our afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


October 7, 2018
by Miss Beestone
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October 1st-5th in P5

Hello from Mia and Katie! This week we have been very busy doing lots of fun things!

In PE we had two classes, one with Mrs. McAdams and Miss Beestone. With Mis.s Beestone we have been learning to improve our pace during our circuit sessions, some of us have increased how many mountain climbers we can do in a minute by twenty! With Mrs. McAdams we have been learning how to throw and catch a ball properly so we can use it in handball.

In numeracy we have been interpreting and making our own graphs with Mr. Hunter. We have also been playing maths games to help us learn how to say numbers to 100,000 and to order and sequence larger numbers. We have recently learned about Number Talks and how we can talk about our strategies to achieve an answer. Everyone has different ways of coming up with an answer!

Our topic is rainforests. We have been regularly updating our own factfiles with information we have learned so far. We have been locating where rainforests are and using atlases to colour in places on the world map. Rainforests are usually found between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn lines.

In literacy we have been reading our class novel – How to Train Your Dragon. We have also been identifying the features of a letter and learning about how to write our own letters with different themes. We wrote lovely thank you letters to people we love.


Katie and Mia

October 4, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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P4 Orchard visit

This afternoon we went with Eilidh from The Woodland Trust to Bellsquarry Woods to visit Bellsquarry Orchard. First of all we looked at some of the things that other classes had done at the Orchard. They had planted apple trees, decorated a fantastic bee hive, created bug hotels and planted a hedge around the outside of the Orchard. After that we worked in groups to write poems about lots of different trees. Finally we looked for different types of bugs. We remembered to put the bugs back in places where we thought they would be happy. We really enjoyed our afternoon at the Orchard and are looking forward to going back!

September 28, 2018
by Miss Beestone
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This week in P5

This week in P5 we really have been busy! In maths we have been learning about the place value of numbers using six digit numbers. We have used a lot of discussion and games to make our learning stick with us! For warm ups, we have been practicing playing Countdown to see how many different strategies we can use to get the total number.
In literacy we have been focusing on our personal writing, making sure to include our thoughts and feelings to make our writing special. We have been writing stories about Low Port and other trips we have been on.
In PE we have been learning about pacing ourselves and improving our scores during circuits. We have been doing different activities like push ups, step ups, high kicks, squats, jumping jacks and mountain climbers.
We have really enjoyed writing our stories about our trips the most this week. It has been really fun.
Willow and Alisha

September 28, 2018
by Mrs McElhinney
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Imaginative Writing in P4

This week we have started to plan our own imaginative stories. We watched a video clip called ‘Soar’ to inspire us. The video was about a little girl and a very tiny boy who were trying to design their own plane. We have made storyboards to help us to plan our stories and are looking forward to writing them next week.

September 14, 2018
by Miss Beestone
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Maths Challenge Week in P5

Hello everyone! This week we have been participating in Maths Challenge Week and have we had a lot to do!
Firstly, we joined P3 in the hall to do Bedtime Maths. We got to come to school in our pyjamas! It was super fun, but the maths we were doing could be quite tricky. We helped the P3s with some of the harder questions and got help from our teachers if we needed it.
Also this week we have been learning about 3D shapes and measuring by making spaghetti bridges in our table teams. We had to think about which shape was best for us to use for it to be the strongest bridge – it needed to hold Miss. Beestone’s cup! We also had to measure the spaghetti to make sure we had equal lengths on either side of the bridges. We have been working hard on working as a team as well.
We used our subtraction and addition knowledge this week to help us do a scavenger hunt in the classroom! In partners we answered sums and then went hunting for the answer, which gave us a letter too. Some of the clues were hidden in cupboards and inside laptops! We had a lot of fun this week with all of our maths activities.
Next week we are going to Low Port and we really can’t wait!

Zoe and Mia

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