Tag Archives: messy play

Glendevon Term 1

We can’t believe that’s term 1 over and what a busy term it has been.

We have enjoyed exploring technology this term including using the life skills area and through our topic of taking care of ourselves.

We made the most of our good weather by getting back on our bikes and using the drive deck to explore independently.

On the theme of health we have been making healthy foods and snacks in term 1 developing skills in chopping, mixing and weighing ingredients. Our Harvest healthy muffins went down a treat at café.

We have enjoyed taking part in messy art activities to make resources for our class charter and had fun with a food messy play for Fairtrade fortnight involving chocolate.

We are looking forward to lots more opportunities to explore our new topic of fashion through our playboxes, sensology and multi-sensory sessions this term.