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Christmas Jumper Day and SSPCA

Today we looked a little bit different in school.We were wearing our Christmas Jumpers. We weren’t just doing this because it is now December but to raise money for Jak’s Den which is a local charity that supports children with serious illnesses. We raised a fantastic £50 which we will send onto them.

We also enjoyed an informative talk from Liam who is an SSPCA officer. He was telling us about how to keep animals safe at Christmas time and in winter. We learnt about things like not to feed  your dog chocolate or raisins. We also learnt that it is the time of year that baby seals are being born and that they get a lot of calls about abandoned pups. He told us that actually the mum will leave the pup to go and catch food as the pup can’t swim so if we see one on the beach we should just leave it alone.

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Pupil Council Update 15/11/16

Today we had our second Pupil Council Meeting. Our main focus was on how to keep the cloakroom areas tidy. We then set about making posters that will go up in the cloakrooms and will share this information with our classes tomorrow. We are going to award Golden Tokens to the tidiest cloakrooms when we do spot checks. It is important to keep our cloakrooms tidy to keep everyone safe, to help us not lose our belongings and to keep our school looking great.

Greenrigg and Stoneyburn transition day

Today Primary 6 from Greenrigg went to Stoneyburn Primary to work with the Primary 6s. Our transition topic this year is “Bridges”.

First of all we researched the 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth.

They are:

  • Forth Rail Bridge
  • Forth Road Bridge
  • Queensferry crossing.

We discussed what we would like to find out about each bridge.

We formed groups of 3 and got started using the Internet to find out the answers.

We produced a poster to share our information with others.

In the afternoon we took part in a stem challenge. We had to design a bridge which was at least the length of a ruler and could hold the weight of a hole punch. We could only use art straws and elastic bands.

We all had different designs and different ways to make sure the hole punch could be held on the bridge. Some of our bridges were successful and some were not.

We debriefed the challenge at the end and came up with our next steps for our bridge building challenge.

We can’t wait until the next transition day after Christmas.

P7 New Roles

Last week pupils from P7 had the opportunity to go for the position of Head Boy/Head Girl and House Captains.

Staff and pupils were impressed by the quality of their speeches and it was a really hard decision on who to vote for as they all had a range of skills and qualities that would have been great for these roles.

For this year our new Head Boy and Head Girl are Jason and Sophie. Our new House Captains are Morgan, Elise and Emma. A huge congratulations to them and a thank you and well done to all the other boys and girls who went for these positions.

pupil leadership poster