Tag Archives: Science

Little Giants P3/4

We got to enjoy a special show today. It was called Little Giants and was part of the Science Festival. Through this show we got to learn lots about honey bees which will help us with our topic on minibeasts. Did you know that honey is made from nectar that a bee carries in their stomach! We got to learn the waggle dance that bees do to show other bees where the good flowers are. We got to be bees in a special garden and had to use our sense of smell to work out each flower. There was strawberry, orange, rose and vanilla.


This week in P7…

The Scotland Software Trainers, Bob and Marie, visited our class. They showed us how to make songs with Garageband on the Ipads. We have been asked to reconstruct a song from scratch and had to pick between Sam Smith’s ‘Stay With Me’ and Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake It Off’. We can’t wait to let you hear it once it is finished…although this will take us 10 weeks!!!!!


In Topic we have been learning about WW2. This week’s focus was on Hitler and his rise to power. We had to organise a timeline of events. This was quite easy as it had the dates but it was also very interesting.


In art we created imaginary flying insects for the Flower Show competition. They were all colourfully weird!


In science we tested the theory ‘People with longer arms have longer fingers’. We measured everybody in the class, our teachers and our cleaners and plotted our findings on a scatter graph. Our conclusions are different and we decided that we would need to include more people in our survey before we could decide.

Science Club!

Children were randomly selected to go to the Glasgow Science Centre to take part in a science exhibit. Children were asked to do a short presentation of what they had being doing in their club and then took part in 3 min science and engineering challenges, run by STEM. Children were able to take part in lots of activities during the day and watch a 3D movie in the Imax cinema. There was an award ceremony at the end. Children had a fantastic time and have asked for Science Club to continue next year so watch this space.