P3/4 Chalk Spelling

P3/4 took advantage of the lovely weather yesterday and took their spelling outside. Children practised writing their spelling words with chalk out on the playground. They drew spelling flowers and pictures to match their spelling words. The children shared their learning, with other classes, during their break.

Science Club

Children designed a discus for Science Club. The challenge was to create one which would travel farther than all the others. Boys and girls tested their discus before competing against one another outside. Miss Watson and Mrs Maxwell also took part and were neck and neck with Ryan Shaw, Ellie McDougall and Adam Clair. The winning team was undecided.

Sports Relief

Today, all the children walked  the same distance as the tallest mountain in South Africa called ‘Mafadi’ which is 3450 metres high.  This was to raise funds for Sports Relief.  Thank you to all the parents who came along and walked this distance with the children.  We raised a total of £83.96 –  well done to all!

Science Club: Explosions!

Today in Science Club we were making potions and exploring chemical reactions. First we put vinegar in a jar. Then we added  food colouring and  stars. We added a squeeze of washing up liquid and finally we added the baking soda. The vinegar and the soda mixed together and made a gas. The gas made washing up liquid bubble up. Our potions erupted like a volcano.

Jake said ” It was minted!”

A big thumbs up for Science Club today. Stay tuned for more updates on Science Club!!!!

Our questionnaire is now on the way out.  Please return your questionnaire by 30th March as we need everyone’s contribution to keep us being a ‘travel safely’ school.  We look forward to receiving the results of the questionnaires  and will keep you updated with the results.

Curriculum Open Afternoon

Primary 2/3

Today the children took great delight in sharing their learning with their parents.  Looking at the theme of ‘South Africa’, the children led their parents around the classroom and school talking about the range of activities and demonstrating their newfound knowledge. 

Afterwards a group of pupils from the Pupil Voice Groups made a presentation to share with parents on becoming a UNICEF Rights Respecting School.

We are very proud of our children and they certainly demonstrated being ‘confident individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens’ throughout the course of the afternoon.

Last week, at Science Club, we were learning about how to make a circuit. This week, we made working models with our circuits.
We followed our help sheets and worked in our groups to finish our tasks. We had a working doorbell for a house, a lighthouse and a clown with flashing eyes and a spinning bow tie.
Stay tuned to see what we will do next week!