Tag Archives: Snow Day

Snow day p7

Remember your snow packs. In case the dog has eaten them or they have been stolen by some monster in your room, you can:

  • Write a snow day diary
  • Plan your ideal igloo using perimeter and area
  • Write a snow day adventure story
  • Learn your lines and song words for Oliver
  • Build something in the snow and take a picture to show or add to here.

Hopefully see you tomorrow.

Miss Watson

Snow Day 2013

Well everyone, it’s a bit later than we may have expected but 2013 has seen its first snow day. Hopefully everyone will have a safe day. Don’t forget there are activities to keep you busy on GLOW and the school blog. Perhaps you could visit your class page and leave a comment on what you have been doing today. Or even better, email the school a photo and we will upload it to GLOW for everyone else to see.