Ruby-Rose visits P1

Cate’ s mum brought Ruby-Rose to our classroom for a visit. Ruby-Rose is Cate’s hamster and Cate told us all about how she looks after Ruby-Rose including, what she eats and drinks. We think Cate looks after her hamster very well. Abigail said Ruby-Rose is very cute! Kayla said she was fluffy! Alasdair said her legs felt funny! Scot said she was soft to touch. We loved meeting Ruby-Rose and we hope she will come and visit us again soon.


Mrs Paterson visit to P1

Mrs Paterson came to help us spell new words. We played a game joining sounds together. We changed words from pin to spin. Aiden said if you add s to pin you make spin. Poppy-Grace said it was fun. Sam did really well, he said when you take a sound away from snack you make the word sack!

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