Tag Archives: bridges

P6 bridge building

Today P6 from Stoneyburn came to join us for our transition project – bridges.

First we looked at different Scottish bridges. We had to find where they were using a map of Scotland and an atlas. We also looked at the different design features each one had. We discussed why certain shapes are better than others.

“The arches have blocks at the bottom to make them more stable” – Karis

“The Tay bridge has a design similar to a saltire flag – a cross inside a square” – Emma

Next we designed our own bridges  we had to include one design feature we had found and had to span across 2 school chairs, about 6 feet apart. We could use lego or Knex.  We had time to plan before we built.

“We could make it like a staircase but overlapping the bricks” – Erin.

“We had to build together so we could be successful” – Tyler and Arron

We decided that we need more time to complete our bridges to meet the design criteria.  We will continue them next time we meet.

Article 29

The right to develop talents and abilities.

P6 bridges trip

Today we went to the Bridges Education centre next to the 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth.

There are 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth. Each one is different.

The Forth rail bridge is a canterlever bridge which is bit like a see saw.

The Forth Road bridge is a suspension bridge. This means that the cables are anchored to the ground.

The Queensferry crossing is a cable stay bridge. This means the weight goes through the cables to the top of the tower. It is going to be a motorway and should be finished in May.

Our first challenge was to make the tallest tower. We got it teams and we were each given a job role. We used wooden blocks and had to think about wind and gravity. We had to make it stable by a wide base. Some of us were successful.

Our 2nd challenge was looking at and describing safety clothes. PPE stands for Personal Protective equipment. Ear protectors have a good suction so you can’t hear. The Hi Vis vest is good in the day because you can see them.

Finally we walked some of the Forth Road bridge even though it was windy.

We had great fun and the years P6 should go next year.

Greenrigg and Stoneyburn transition day

Today Primary 6 from Greenrigg went to Stoneyburn Primary to work with the Primary 6s. Our transition topic this year is “Bridges”.

First of all we researched the 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth.

They are:

  • Forth Rail Bridge
  • Forth Road Bridge
  • Queensferry crossing.

We discussed what we would like to find out about each bridge.

We formed groups of 3 and got started using the Internet to find out the answers.

We produced a poster to share our information with others.

In the afternoon we took part in a stem challenge. We had to design a bridge which was at least the length of a ruler and could hold the weight of a hole punch. We could only use art straws and elastic bands.

We all had different designs and different ways to make sure the hole punch could be held on the bridge. Some of our bridges were successful and some were not.

We debriefed the challenge at the end and came up with our next steps for our bridge building challenge.

We can’t wait until the next transition day after Christmas.