Category Archives: Primary 6

Author visit from Stuart Reid

Yesterday we had a visit from Scottish author Stuart Reid.  He became an author at 42 after realising that he wasn’t happy in his job. He showed us the books he has written and read some extracts from them We got to act the parts out to make the stories really come to life. We were given the opportunity to buy a signed copy of the books.


Websites for P4, P5, P6 and P7

Here is a list of websites and games that you can play and use at home to support your child’s learning.

If you have websites or apps that you use at home which you’d recommend, please let us know.

Miss Cooke, Miss Park and Mrs Monahan


Well done to our schools Handball team. They have been a great inspiration in our school, working well as a team and motivating others. The team took part in the Whitburn cluster Handball League and finished second. This then secured Greenrigg a place in the Handball National Primary Championships with Whitdale Primary School. Well done to all pupils who participated, we were so proud of your sportsmanship, attitude and teamwork.