All posts by C Farquhar

Reflective Reading – Short read

This morning we worked in trio’s, each person had their own job. We chose the roles in our own groups based on our strengths. The choices were Recorder, Reader and Manager. We had to read every word in the passage in order to find and replace the silly words with sensible words. Abby found it particularly funny as her prior knowledge meant she knew that Polar Bears did not, in fact, eat crisps! We discussed the skills needed to complete this task and shared our answers at the end.


Author visit from Stuart Reid

Yesterday we had a visit from Scottish author Stuart Reid.  He became an author at 42 after realising that he wasn’t happy in his job. He showed us the books he has written and read some extracts from them We got to act the parts out to make the stories really come to life. We were given the opportunity to buy a signed copy of the books.


Our shoe challenge

We were given the challenge of designing a shoe as a group. We had to pick a target age group, design a logo and design individual shoes. We did some market research to find what was popular with the age range. We then picked one design and made our shoe. Our next job will be to promote our shoes to see if we have successfully made and marketed a product.


P4/3 Smoothie challenge

P4/3 were given the challenge of creating their own smoothie. Sounds fun right? It’s never that straight forward with us ;-). We had set criteria

  1. It must contain at least 2 of the 5 food groups,
  2. It must cost less than £2.00 to make,
  3. It should be as healthy as possible – each food item was given a points value based on its nutritional value,
  4. It must be written in recipe form.

We made a plan on how to best attack this problem by breaking it down into manageable chunks. We also identified the skills required.


Sam – I’m going to have kiwi and grapes because they’re 10p. I’ll add fromage frais for my second food group then it means I can add lots more fruit to make it healthy.

Ben – We’ve made it really healthy. We used all fruit and spent £2.00. (5 minutes later) – We took away 1 pineapple so we could add milk.

Brendan/Scot – Honey as it’s sweet, sugary, better than chocolate sauce – it’s healthier. Banana is cheap and delicious.

Aaron – I’ll add milk and honey. Milk is good for you and honey is healthy because it is made by bees.


P4/3 Health Week

As part of health week we found out different ways to keep our bodies healthy, by keeping a balanced diet and exercising. Sometimes our mental health gets forgotten about but we discussed the power of positive thoughts and used a search engine to find inspirational quotes. We used these to make posters which we have displayed throughout the school to remind everyone that they are special and deserve love and care too! Some of our favourite quotes were – ‘Let your smile change the world but don’t let the world change your smile’. ‘Be the rainbow in someone’s cloud’.