This week is Science Week, and P1 are learning about space, in particular the sun, moon and stars.
Today we started our science week by thinking about what science is. Lexie knew that science involves experimenting, and lots of us knew that people who do science are called scientists. This week, we are going to be scientists!
We then thought about our science topic of space and brainstormed all the things we already know. Mason knew the names of lots of the planets. We knew that the sun is very hot and we can see it during the day, and that we see the moon and stars at night. James knew that the moon is made of rock (not cheese!) and that the sun is a star. We then worked in pairs to make a picture about space and shared these with the rest of the class.
This afternoon, we learned about the sun, earth and moon. We now know that the sun doesn’t move- it is actually the earth that spins (once per day) and that when we are facing the sun, it is daytime and when we are not facing the sun, it is night time. We also learned that the moon or it’s the earth – that means it goes around earth. We then did some art relating to this topic, which you will be able to see at our open morning on Thursday.
We cant wait to learn more about space!