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World Book Night

Tonight (23rd April) is World Book Night where everyone is encouraged to take a break from the tv or the xbox and read a book.  It is being held on this date because it marks the 397 year since the death of William Shakespeare.

World Book night strips everything away to the bare essential: the good hearted feeling of a book in your hand, a companion by your side, the best of friends on your road through life. A good book nourishes the soul and gladdens the heart. It lifts you and makes things seem possible that didn’t seem possible before. I am so happy that Red Dust Road has been chosen as one of the twenty books to be passed hand to hand, word to mouth, on the road.”  Jackie Kay, Scottish Poet and Novelist.

We’re all sitting reading tonight here at the Bamford house: I am reading “To Kill A Mocking Bird,” by Harper Lee, Lorna is reading, “Death of a Kingfisher,” by MC Beaton, Jamie is reading, “The Mysterious Benedict Society,” by Trenton Lee Stewart, and Jude is reading, “Everything’s Amazing (Sort Of),” by Tom Gates.

Extra points on the Star Class chart for anyone who posts a comment on this post telling me what book they are reading at the moment – double bonus points if your parents post what they are reading!!!!

Happy reading.

Mr B

PS – Automatic extra playtime for anyone who can figure out why I might be re-reading “To Kill a Mockingbird,” at the moment.  That’s a tricky question, but a clue can be found elsewhere on my blog!

The Puppy has arrived and has a name!!!

Well the puppy has now arrived and we have all fallen head over heels for her!

She is doing really well with her training already (no verbal warnings yet!!!).

And, after many, many deliberations and starting off with a list of 28 different options, we finally agreed on a name and it is ……. Scout.

Hope you’re all having a great break so far.  More updates on Scout to come!

New Puppy!

Ok everyone, after all of your brilliant help when we got a hamster last year, I am now looking for your tips and advice for the arrival of our new puppy next week.

I have never had a dog of my own (although my wife has but not a puppy for around 14 years or so!)  so any of your tips or comments would be gratefully received.

Also, she is, as of yet unnamed so post a suggestion for a name here to have it added to the list of possibles that we are looking at!!!


P7s paid 50p a go to splat me with shaving cream pies.  I think they enjoyed it a little too much, though their enthusiasm made loads of money!  They didn’t quite enjoy it as much as Ms Russell who paid £10 for the biggest pie of the day and instead of throwing it just walked up and smeared it all over my face! YUCK!

I can only really blog pictures of objects and staff here, but will put all the pictures on display next week in school and at parents’ night for you all to see.

Our Charity Week/Comic Relief 2013 – Hallside Primary Making a Difference

What a gargantuan effort everyone.   We’ve done something of which we can be very proud this week.

I hope you all feel you’ve learned a lot about charities and how they work and a huge thank you goes out to the representatives of The Salvation Army, Friends of Cambulang Park, The Red Cross, Project 31, VASLAN, The Credit Union, The Haven, The Royal British Legion Riders, The Stonelaw Fairtrade Group & The Dog’s Trust for giving us their time and sharing their experiences with us.

Today we made a brilliant total of:   £2364.58

The break down of how we raised it was as follows:
£660  –  Joke Books
£307  –  Wear Something Red
£76.91 – Red Nose Cookies made by the kitchen staff
£10.22  –  P5b Raffle and collection
£13.65  –  P5 Raffle
£31.67  –  Pants Walk Bucket Collection (P3b, P6a and P7)
£372.70  –  Pants Walk Sponsor Money (P3b, P6a and P7)
£801.34  –  Fun Day (P3b, P6a and P7)
£72.50  –  Staff Car Wash
£18.59  –  Mrs Johnston’s homebaking sold in the staffroom

Thank you to everyone who contributed all.  Every little bit makes a huge difference.

Positive Clyde Feedback

We have had a great response to our visit to Clyde FC at the weekend.  The head of Community Development has written to the school commending the pupils on their behaviour, attitude and enthusiasm and expressing their gratitude for our phenomenal support on the day, that they are sure helped play a part in Clyde putting together a victory for the first time in 7 games.

The following links will take you away from the blog:

Clyde FC Media Gallery including the Official Mascot Picture and Chic Charnley enjoying our support

Clyde FC Video Highlights of the game, including the teams being led out of the tunnel by Dylan and Adam, footage of our pupils backing the team, and you can clearly hear us all backing the team as the second half rages on!

The Twitter Account of Clyde Mascot, Bully Wee The Bull, with a picture of him posing in the crowd with Hallside Pupils

Apparently the Clyde FC social media forums are awash with praise for Hallside pupils and the fabulous backing they gave the team, the atmosphere we helped to generate and the way we conducted ourselves.

Everyone should be very pleased and proud.