
The children have been learning about capacity in maths. For part of this topic they have been learning outdoors so we have been glad of the dry weather.

The Primary 1’s had a variety of containers to choose from and then had to decide on a suitable ‘measuring’ container. They got the hang of making good estimations before working together to find out the correct answer.

The primary 2’s have been learning about litres and half litres. Their containers were quite big so we were glad to be able to work outside with all that water.

They worked really well with a partner and their estimations were getting pretty close to the actual measurements once they checked.

Polycrub Produce

Today was an exciting day as we pulled up the first vegetables ready in the polycrub. These radishes will be used by the cooks in school. Carina loved taking them in and giving them a wash before delivering them to the canteen.

The children are very good at looking after the plants with daily watering, transplanting seedlings and re-potting plants.

Spring Flower Science and Literacy

The children have been learning about about flowers. They have been finding out about the different parts of a flower and how they grow and change.

They have been investigating and naming the different parts of flowers and learning about how dandelions use the wind for seed dispersal and bees take the pollen to different flowers.

This all ties in with discussions about Spring in the classroom and when we are outdoors.

The Primary Two’s used lots of verbs to write poems about Spring. They did a great job of making a good copy to display on the wall using ICT skills they have been practicing recently.



Lambs for Show and Tell

We had a special Show and Tell this week from Jack. His mum brought along three caddie lambs for the children to meet.

This was such a good experience for the children as many of them haven’t really beenĀ  close to lambs before. They had a go at feeding them with a bottle and loved getting cuddles and stroking them. They named them Rosie, Sally and Annie.

Freyja also brought in her caddie lambs for Show and Tell. The children were very amused to see them wearing nappies. They had great fun cuddling them and playing chasies up and down the hill. Freyja could tell us a lot about how to look after them.