Our Big Dino Build

The children started by selecting suitable boxes/junk to make their model dinosaur. They worked in pairs so there was a lot of discussion and collaboration to find the parts and join them together.

We spoke about how to make their model strong by creating different types of joins in using PVA and sellotape.

The next stage was seriously messy. They used papier mache to cover the dinosaur, focusing on the joins and making sure the newspaper strips went from one part of the model onto an adjoining part.

Once the models had two coats of papier mache it was time to choose colours for their dinosaur.

Once the paint was dry the children thought about the detail they wanted to add- eyes, teeth, claws etc.

The primary 2’s have been working on adjectives in their literacy work so this was a great opportunity to apply that learning to describing their dinosaur.

The writing was read out in class for the others to guess which model the description matched.

Their is now a little Dinosaur Exhibition set up in the school for the other classes and staff to visit to see the models and the writing.

A Burns Supper

Today we were learning a little bit about Robert Burns and how people celebrate Burns Night.  The children prepared tatties and neaps to go with the haggis. They were very careful with the peelers and knives listening well to instructions.

They all got to have some of the Burns Supper they had cooked. A few loved it, some liked it and quite a lot of children did not like it at all but had a try.

Chinese New Year

The children have been learning about Chinese New Year. This year is the Year of the Rabbit and they loved hearing the story about how the Emperor decided how to name the years after animals.

They have been counting to 10 in mandarin and having a go at using chopsticks in our little chinese restaurant.

Snow day activities

Snow Day Activities


Primary 1
  • Practise counting out loud to 20, then as far as 30.
  • Count footprints in the snow!
  • Have a go at the game below- just as far as 1-30 level.

Helicopter Counting

Primary 2
  • Practise Adding out in the snow- throw 2 snowballs, then 5 more – How many was that? Put 15 stones for a snowman’s mouth and two for his eyes? how many stones altogether? etc.
  • have a go at the Robot Addition game below- try all 3 levels.

Robot Addition


Primary 1
  • listen to the song below. Practise the actions.
  • Think of words with ‘ee’ sound and words with ‘or’ sound.
  • write ee and or words in the snow in the snow
Primary 2

In class we were going to do some work on adjectives today so see how many words you can think of to describe………

  1. the snow
  2. how you feel about being off school

Write these down on a piece of paper or email them to me at DianeForsyth@shetland.gov.uk


Go outside and play! I can’t wait to hear about your snowy day adventures. Below are some suggestions for what else you could do…..

  • Become a detective and search for animal footprints in the snow.
  • Create a picture to show what you like best about wintertime.
  • Go for a walk with a grown-up and take a camera to capture some lovely winter photographs.
  • Build a sledge for a small toy using household materials.


Every week the Primary 1’s meet up with their buddies in Primary 7. This is always exciting and the bairns really look forward to it. They do lots of fun things together inside and outside during this time. Below are just some of the things they have been enjoying doing together.

Parachute games

Robots with Rectangles

Plasticine Creations and Presentations

Puppets and Puppet Shows

Name Collages

Long long ago

As part of their topic this term the children have been learning about how we find out about the past. They made salt dough and created their own dinosaur fossils.

They have also been having a go at being archaeologists using tools to carefully search through the sand for important clues to the past.

New Years Resolutions

The class recycled old Christmas cards to make these stars to hang in the classroom.

On the back they wrote their New Years Resolutions. It was lovely to hear what the children would like to get better at and their wishes/promises for 2023.

Here are a couple of ideas of the kind of things they were thinking about.