Tag Archives: Science

Windy weather seeds

We had a lovely afternoon looking at how seeds use the wind to disperse. We looked at Ash, Sycamore and Plane keys and Spruce and pine seeds and then everyone had a go at making their own. Everyone agreed that Archie’s was the coolest, it was tiny and rotated so fast!
1 Star (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Tree planting

While the P7s were on their second John Muir day, the P6s had an afternoon of tree planting. Firstly we helped John to plant the Queen’s jubilee trees, then we took some willow cuttings and planted them and finally we potted up some sycamore seedlings to plant next year. Everyone worked very hard and we’re looking forward to seeing another area of woodland grow up 1 Star (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

The Winners of the Musical Instrument Contest are…

Today we finally had our musical instrument contest. The criteria was to make an instrument that was creative and could play a recognisable tune. The children have been working on this for a few weeks and there was a fantastic range of ideas.
After a lot of hard decision-making Ms Scanlan thought that Fearne had made an instrument that played the best tune and Fiona, Hannah and Eveline and Isla and Kathryn’s groups had included the most creative ideas. Mrs Henderson came in to see them all and we both thought that everyone had worked really well on the task.
1 Star (2 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)


Welcome back and a Happy New Year

It has been lovely to see everyone back in school this year. Our topic for the first part of this term is Sound. After completing a formative assessment task, where we remembered what we already know about sound, we had a fun afternoon making string telephones and testing how well sound travels through different materials. 1 Star (2 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Moja Island Renewable Energy

This afternoon we worked in groups to find out a bit more about the different types of renewable energy and what are the best ones to use in different environments.
The children were scientists and had to work out what would be the best energies to use in their villages on Moja Island. We had lots of great discussions and group work.
1 Star (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Witch’s brew / chemical reactions

This afternoon we found out about chemical reactions with acid and alkalines. We used coloured water, oil, bicarbonate and citric acid (see a similar recipe below). They looked great!


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