We learnt how to use compasses and take bearings today. Then in the afternoon we made our own compasses by magnetising needles and putting them onto cork discs floating in water. They worked really well 😄
Tag Archives: Practical skills
Halloween animations
And a few more!
Halloween animations
We hope these don’t scare you too much!!! Happy Halloween
Stop Motion Animation
The Primary 7 bairns have been developing their digital skills using Stop Motion animation. They have worked so imaginatively and enthusiastically on their Halloween creations, learning lots of tricks for effectively adding video and sound.
The final video versions will follow. I hope they don’t scare you too much!!!
What’s Under Your Feet?
Primary 7 worked really enthusiastically today on this long term British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) citizen science project.
Over the year we will carry out 3 invertebrate surveys to see what is living in our school grounds. The BTO is collecting information from all over the UK to find out whether the invertebrate numbers and species are changing and whether this has an effect on bird populations.
Today we found worms, slugs, beetles and a few other invertebrates. We didn’t find as many as we thought that we would. It will be interesting to see what we find in March and June.
End of Term 1
What a busy week we have had again. Finishing off all our owl pellet work. We have also been finding out about more food chains and webs, planting more trees, drawing and painting barn owls and finally listening to a fantastic performance in the hall this afternoon.
What a lovely term we have had and what a great class the P7s are.
Have a great holiday 🙂
Owl Pellets
This week we have been finding out about food chains and food webs.
Today Ms Scanlan brought in some long-eared owl pellets that had been found in Shetland. We spent the afternoon taking them apart and seeing what the owls had been eating. There were lots of bones in there and we could identify mice and rats by the jaw bones and teeth that we found. Everyone worked really hard and concentrated so well on what they were finding. It was really interesting.
Making circuits
Today we have been finding out about circuits
Today we started to find out about electricity. We used the equipment that Ms Scanlan received from her SSERC science training last year. We found out about how circuits work, so that we could light a lamp and we found out about electrons.
Here are some of the circuits that we made.
Pneumatics 2
Great progress is being made on our models. Everyone is busy this afternoon painting and decorating them. I can’t wait to see what they end up looking like!