Our first John Muir Day


On Friday the 5 October the primary 7s went on our first John  Muir trip to Fladdabister. Pete Richerson came and met us at school , he gave us waterproofs , helments and backpacks. We got the equipment and went out to the mini bus, when we got to  Fladdabister, we have got our waterproofs, and backpacks on.

We set off heading North with partners and arrived at a square of stones, John  came to meet us.  Next Pete told us to get a different partner and follow him around the loch with a bit of distance between each pair. After a long walk we made it to the Fladdabister mills and sat down to have our snack,it was very nice and peaceful.

After snack we walk down the stream on our own with a bit of distance between us, we had to listen to the sound of the stream. When we got to Pete we got our helmets out our bags and put them on Pete made sure that they fitted. John did the rock climbing and stream jumping with us, we started easy and then got harder.we got down to a pebble bit at the bottom of the stream we had our lunch and left our backpacks behind when we went rock climbing. We climbed over lots of rocks and ended up in a massive cave where water was dripping off the edge and it looked incredible! We stayed at the cave for a little while and listened to all the lovely noises around us.  After that we went back, collected our bags and started walking back. We walked up a massive hill but after a little while we had a rest and there was a rainbow, Pete told us a story about a rainbow and after he told us the story we kept walking and got back to the mini bus and went back to school.

We all loved the day, it was fantastic thanks to Pete for taking us and we are all really looking forwards to the next John Muir Day!

By Ruby and Katie


Bike Ability

On Monday the 27th of August P6 did their first bikability session.   In bikability we practised doing high fives while cycling around the school multicourt.  Each Monday we did bikability for 50 mins.

On the second week we practised our safe starts. To do a safe start you have to look over your right shoulder, stick out your right arm for 3 seconds to indicate,  look over your right shoulder again and then pull out.  We also practised our safe stops. To do this you have to look over your right shoulder flap your right arm like a bird 3 times, look over your left shoulder then pull in

On the third week we went out on to the road and practised our left hand turns.  To do a left hand turn you have to look over your right shoulder, stick out your left hand for 3 seconds (to indicate),  look over your left shoulder and then turn in.

On the fourth week we practised our U turns and our right hand turns. For a U turn you look over your right shoulder, look ahead, look over your right shoulder again and then do a big turn in a shape of a U. To do a right hand turn you have to look over your right shoulder, indecate with your right hand for 3 seconds then look right before turning.

On week five we  practised passing a parked car.  To do this you have to look over your right shoulder indecate with your right arm pull out into the middle of the road, pass the car then pull back in.

On the sixth week we did our assessment what we had to do was go over all of that stuff again and see how well we did. Our teachers were Jennifer and Jackie we enjoyed it and it was great fun

By Drew and Callum P6 🙂


The Curse of the Were Rabbit – Nick Park

On Friday the 31st of August Primary 6/7 went to see The Curse of the Were Rabbit at Mareel and 6/7 got to speak to Nick Park the director of the film. The genre of the film is comedy and it was made in 2005. The film is about a town holding a  giant vegetable  competition and Wallace and Gromit’s  business “Anti – Pesto” is going splendidly well but there is a pest going round and eating all of the vegetables. A man called Victor Quartermaine plans to kill the beast and earn an award, or better marry the rich Lady Tottington. We really enjoyed the film.

By Faith and Robert P6


On Wednesday 29th August, the Primary 7s went to see a film called Breadwinner.

It was about a young girl called Parvana who lived in Kabul, the capital of  Afghanistan, in around late 2001. Since she is a girl, she does not have the same rights that boys have. When her father is taken to prison, she cuts her hair, and pretends to be a boy, so she can be the breadwinner for her family.

It was a very heartwarming film and it made us realise how lucky we are, and that we should be very grateful for what we have.

Emmy – I thought it was a very good film and the animation was beautiful.

Ronan – It was very interesting and it made me feel lucky for what I have.

Junias – I would give it 4/5 stars.

Tryphena – I thought it was very moving.

By Emmy and Lily-Jane P7

Thank you for a Perfect Final Day

I would like to thank everyone at Dunrossness for a fantastic last day. From start to finish I had a lovely time.

Primary 6/7 – you are all stars! Thank you so much for the surprise party and wonderful cake.

I can’t thank you enough for all the lovely gifts and cards you gave me- I am extremely lucky and will treasure them all.

As for all my colleagues-how can I put into words how touched and appreciative I am for the lovely and thoughtful ways you came up with to celebrate my time at Dunrossness and say goodbye.

Your versions of Allan Ahlberg’s poem ‘Please Mrs Butler’ and the wartime song ‘Pack Up Your Troubles’ were so clever and more or less summed up my teaching career. There were very emotional to listen to.

Mrs Henderson-I was really pleased to receive  a good  ‘school report’ from you and P6/7!

Thank you all so much for the beautiful gifts you gave me, each one carefully chosen to bring back happy memories of my time at Dunrossness.

A special thank you to Peter Wood for the wonderful tune he wrote, recorded and played for me at my final assembly. It is a beautiful tune and I feel extremely honoured.

Finally I would like to say what a pleasure it has been to teach at Dunrossness this last 30 years, and this is due to the wonderful children, supportive parents and fantastic colleagues I have met and worked with over the years.

Thank you everyone for a fantastic send- off.

Mrs Sandra Hay x




A Big Thank You from Mrs Hay

I would like to say a huge thank you to the P6/7 parents for the beautiful gifts and flowers they gave me at the Leavers’ Assembly on Friday. It was such a lovely surprise and very much appreciated.

It was extremely generous of you all and I am very touched by your kindness.

The earrings and necklace set are lovely and a perfect choice and I am looking forward to choosing a picture which will bring back happy memories of my P6/7 class.

Many thanks to you all

Sandra Hay

So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Shetland site

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