Today, all our groups started working together to rewrite the Christmas Carol story. They are helping each other with the outline and then everyone will independently write their own version. Some people in our class are very good at being focused on a task and at helping others.🏆🎖
We had a great time in the Pool room programming our robots today. Everyone is getting really good at knowing how to make the robots move, turn, make sound, use the grabbing arm and the sensors. Engineers in the making!
Today we enjoyed working together in our Focus Friday groups to learn about SHANARRI. It is an acronym for words about our wellbeing : safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, respected, responsible, included.
On Thursday 15th November, Harry Rose brought the planetarium into school. We had a fantastic morning finding out about the stars, planets, moons and constellations and he told an amazing ancient story about how the constellations were named.
While the Primary 6s have been doing their Playleader training, the P7s have been carrying out an Eco-Schools audit of everything that we do in our school and have been thinking of some actions that we need to do next.
Last week we started to work on our Christmas play. Izzy came to help us with the script and we’ve started practising our songs. It’s looking good already!
Since Term 1 the whole school has been using the new Jigsaw resources to learn about lots of health and wellbeing issues and practices.
This week in groups of 4 we had to complete tasks, involving all group members, but one couldn’t get out of their seat, one couldn’t see, another couldn’t hear and one had their hand behind their back. We thought about how we can enable everyone to join in and contribute.
So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another – Shetland site