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P7 Leavers Assembly

On Friday afternoon we did our final assembly. We each showed some of our special talents. Some people played musical instruments or sang a song and others showed a video of their skills. The P6s did a little presentation to say goodbye to us! At the end we preformed a song that a group of people wrote especially for the assembly called ‘As The Years Go By.’ Then Mrs Henderson and Mrs Hay gave us a little present, it was a great way to say goodbye! We all had a really good afternoon. By Emily and Eve

Here are some photos from our assembly.

Even some parents were given leaving certificates!






Staycation-Geocashing in and around Spiggie

On Monday the 11th of June, the four P7s went Geocashing at Spiggie beach. We had a lot of fun doing the Geocashing. Once we found the box, we took an item from the box and put an item back. Then we went on the big Spiggie beach and we all climbed a sand hill. Then AJ surfed down the sand hill and Zara, Lauryn and Bertie came down the hill too. Finally, we went back to school.

I really enjoyed skimming stones and climbing the sand hills. It was great and fun I think everyone else enjoyed it too.  – Lauryn

I had the most fun in a very long time, and would be really keen to do it again sometime soon. – Bertie

I really enjoyed the day. -AJ

Staycation- Getting Creative

On the 12th of June, Lauryn Bertie and Zara drew some pictures and the library windows. They printed off some pictures and stuck them on the outside of the windows. Then they traced the pictures with chalk pens and coloured some of them in. The finished pictures were amazing and they also had lots of fun with it.

I’m really happy with how it looks and I also had a great time. -Lauryn

I thought that doing Art like that is really fun, and other people should try it as well.    Bertie

Loch Insh Day 3

Still fine weather as I write but there is rain and wind forecast later – doesn’t matter here as the bairns are soaking wet half the time anyway!

Today the groups have cycling, archery/problem solving and sailing or sailing, cycling and raft building.

I am so impressed by the bairns so far.  They are all up for the challenges and really doing themselves, the schools and their families proud.

There are a few tired faces – mainly staff!


Loch Insh Trip – Day 1

Wow! What a busy day.

We were all up at 6 for breakfast on the boat. The bairns all did ever so well again, being polite and well behaved. They all left their cabins ship shape!

We left Aberdeen at 7.30. A lot of excited chatter from all the bairns on the bus. We stopped at Tesco in Huntley for a snack and then set off for Landmark.

We arrived at 11am. The bairns really enjoyed exploring the park and challenged themselves to try the activities.  They were all very independent and responsible.  A lot of supporting and encouraging each other.

We set off for Loch Insh and arrived at 4pm.  We had dinner at 4.30 and then had a short while to unpack before having our briefing talk.

The first activity was called ‘Wayfind’ and it was exactly that. Teams of 4 used map reading skills to solve clues. This all helped the bairns find their way around the site.

Supper and phone time followed at 9. Lots of the bairns were asking to go to bed! They have had a very busy day and were all tired! No wonder.

They are all asleep now and I’m looking forward to our first full day in Loch Insh. It is absolutely beautiful here. I’m sure we will have an excellent day tomorrow. I only ask for a little more wind to blow the midges away!