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End of Term 1

What a busy week we have had again. Finishing off all our owl pellet work. We have also been finding out about more food chains and webs, planting more trees, drawing and painting barn owls and finally listening to a fantastic performance in the hall this afternoon.

What a lovely term we have had and what a great class the P7s are.

Have a great holiday 🙂

Owl Pellets

This week we have been finding out about food chains and food webs.

Today Ms Scanlan brought in some long-eared owl pellets that had been found in Shetland. We spent the afternoon taking them apart and seeing what the owls had been eating. There were lots of bones in there and we could identify mice and rats by the jaw bones and teeth that we found. Everyone worked really hard and concentrated so well on what they were finding. It was really interesting.

Sonic rescue!

Ms Scanlan had rescued a hedgehog at the weekend and brought it into class to show everyone. We had a really good look at it and then released it into the tree area, so that it can find a safe place to hibernate for the winter. This morning Robbie told us that he had checked on Sonic and it had moved away from where we left it and hopefully is now snuggled up in a little nest.

We did some research about hedgehogs and found out some interesting facts about them and also did some French about Le herrison!

Lois took some great photos for us, thank you.


End of Week 6

What a lovely end to a busy week.

As a recognition of good behaviour , we had planned to play hide and seek in the forest. We couldn’t have had better weather for it, or more fun. Ms Scanlan managed to catch everyone, except for Koll. It wasn’t as easy as we thought, some of the P7s are excellent at hiding!

Just before that we planted a few more trees and we saw lots more frogs again. The pond has filled up with water from all the recent rain.

This week to link with our biodiversity life cycles topic, we made a display in French of the Hungry caterpillar – ‘La chenille qui fait des trous’. Ms Scanlan was very impressed by all the French accents and the lovely drawings.

Have a good weekend everyone.

First full week back

What a lovely first full week back. It has been great to see everyone again and we have done so much this week and had lots of fun.

After seeing all the frogs around the pond we have been drawing / making and talking about animals in French. This afternoon we had a look at all the tree species and have been classifying and identifying them all for our Biodiversity topic.

Wild Wisdom Quiz WWF

How good is your wildlife knowledge? Have a go at the Primary quiz and if you do really well, there’s also the secondary quiz.

Good luck!


There are also lots of other great activities on the WWF website – have fun.