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Week 4

The Primary 7s have been doing lots of work on their group presentations. They have all been continued researching and have written their scripts. There are lots of interesting facts that they have been finding out. In French we have been using more adjectives in our writing , describing cats! We have started to think about what we are doing for our Christmas video, we had lots of fun on Thursday starting to film it and coming up with ideas.

Lots of the class have been doing the JRSO daily challenges and we had a very stripy zebra day!

Have a good weekend!

1 Star (7 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Week 3

We have had another busy week. We have been starting to plan our Biodiversity group projects, deciding what to find out about, learning how to write a report and deciding who and when we will do what! Ms Scanlan is looking forward to the final presentations. We have been learning a bit more about adaptations to the environment and extinctions. In French we have been continuing to write/ talk about animals and this week we learnt to use a few more adjectives. In maths we have been learning a few more mental maths multiplication methods, before we start on the standard methods next week.
Have a good weekend.

1 Star (6 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Homework for Primary 7s

Today your child will be coming home with a maths booklet and the following note in their diary, to explain how we will be doing homework from now on. We have had a good discussion about how it needs to be completed, but if you don’t understand anything, please ask.


Week 2

It has been another busy week, with lots of different activities. Yesterday the class wrote imaginative bonfire poems. Today we took advantage of a beautiful November’s day, to do some maths tables work outside and we finished the day doing the Boddam Loop walk (thanks to Michelle for coming along with us).

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe.

1 Star (5 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Halloween animations

And a few more!

Halloween animations

We hope these don’t scare you too much!!! Happy Halloween

Stop Motion Animation

The Primary 7 bairns have been developing their digital skills using Stop Motion animation. They have worked so imaginatively and enthusiastically on their Halloween creations, learning lots of tricks for effectively adding video and sound.

The final video versions will follow. I hope they don’t scare you too much!!!


What’s Under Your Feet?

Primary 7 worked really enthusiastically today on this long term British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) citizen science project.

Over the year we will carry out 3 invertebrate surveys to see what is living in our school grounds. The BTO is collecting information from all over the UK to find out whether the invertebrate numbers and species are changing and whether this has an effect on bird populations.

Today we found worms, slugs, beetles and a few other invertebrates. We didn’t find as many as we thought that we would. It will be interesting to see what we find in March and June.

Welcome Back

Ms Scanlan is looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow.

On Thursday we are going to be starting a survey of the school grounds, looking for invertebrates. The weather is looking good, so you’ll need your warm, dry clothes and some wellies and we can have some fun doing a citizen science project.

See you tomorrow,

Ms Scanlan.