Term 3 Overview

Here is a brief overview of the learning that will be taking place up until the Easter holidays in P6/7:

Maths: Multiplication and Division; Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; Capacity, Weight and Length.

Language: Spelling Workbooks and Spelling Stations; Handwriting; Comprehension; Tools for Writing, Grammar.

Writing: Organising and using information; creating texts.

Reading: Class Novel; ERIC; Reading groups.

Listening and Talking: Finding and using information; Understanding, analysing and evaluating.

French: Days and months; colours; families; pets; creating “All About Me” profile and developing listening, talking and writing skills.

RME: Humanism

Technologies: Food and Textile Technology

Topic: The Science of the Human Body; Sound and Light; SMUHA; Euroquiz

Health and Wellbeing: Emotional and Social Wellbeing; Relationships, Sexual Health and Wellbeing

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