All posts by Mrs Belleville

Zones of Regulation

We have been thinking about our emotions. We spoke about different ‘zones’ of emotion – red, green, blue & yellow and the types of emotions we might feel in each zone. We have been talking about ways of getting back into the ‘green’ zone when we feel upset, cross or sad.

Giant Country

We LOVED reading the BFG in block 1. We tried to imagine what Giant Country would look like using the description in the text to help us. ‘The ground was flat and pale yellow.’

‘Great lumps of blue rock were scattered around.’

‘Dead trees stood everywhere like skeletons.’

‘The mountain was dark blue.’

We mixed shades of yellow & blue to create our background. Once they had dried, we added skeleton trees using charcoal. We cut out rocks and mountains from our blue painted paper. Finally, we added a pencil drawing we had done of the BFG. We think we’ve done a great job of re-creating Giant Country. Thanks to Mrs Ryalls for her brilliant display skills!

Take four…

As part of our work on gratitude, we did an activity where we had to think of 4 things each time. We wrote down the 4 best things we had done in class in the last week as well as the 4 best things about our class. We enjoyed hearing everyone’s thoughts! We have lots to feel grateful for 🙂

Scrapyard Challenge

We had fun testing lots of household objects to see if they were magnetic in our ‘Scrapyard Challenge’. We took it in turns to choose an them, predict If it would be magnetic then check it using our magnet.  We found some of our results surprising. The 10p coin wasn’t magnetic but the 2p coin was & we discussed reasons for this. We enjoyed this activity and worked really well in our groups.

Marvellous Magnets

We are learning about magnetism. We had great fun testing if different objects around our classroom were magnetic or not. We also learned about the poles of the magnet and that opposite poles are attracted to each other while the same poles repel each other. We felt how strong the force is when the magnets were repelling each other.