All posts by Mrs Belleville

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

As we are looking at our caterpillars everyday, we remembered Eric Carle’s story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ We had all heard it before but we enjoyed hearing it again. We watched a video where Eric Carle explained how he used collage to create the pictures in the story. We used paint to create shades of green then carefully cut caterpillar shaped sections and stuck them onto the paper. We think our caterpillars look as good as Eric Carle’s caterpillars!

Our new classmates!

We were very excited to welcome some new members of p3 this week. As part of our work on life cycles, we received some caterpillars that we will watch change into butterflies over the next few weeks. Each day, we choose a caterpillar monitor to check how the caterpillars have changed & record it on our chart

Calculator fun

Today we worked in pairs to use calculators. We were very excited about using the calculators and we had lots of fun. We realised we couldn’t always trust the answer so we learned to double check our answers by using our mental strategies.

Problem Solving

Over the last 9 weeks, we have been working in groups to solve maths problems. We have learned to listen to each other, take turns, share ideas & not give up when it gets tricky! Mrs Belleville has been very impressed with how well we have worked together to solve the problems.

Sock Puppets

We have been focussing on procedural writing in class and we wrote instructions for how to make a sock puppet. We then swapped jotters so we were using someone else’s instructions. We gathered all of our materials then followed the instructions carefully. We are very happy with how our sock puppets turned out and we had fun playing with them.


We talked about what hope meant & how we could represent it in a picture. We used tissue & material to create our pictures and we really enjoyed this art activity. Our pictures have really brightened up our window & made us feel very hopeful! 

Growing Plants

We have been learning about what plants need to grow & today we planted some sunflower seeds. We know they need soil, sunshine, water, air and space to grow. We have put them on our sunny windowsill and we are going to keep a close eye on them over the next wee while to see if we can spot any signs of growth.

Telling the time

We have been learning to tell the time using o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past. Today there were clocks displayed around the room & we had fun finding them all and writing down the times.  The clocks were in analogue time and we had to write them in digital time. If you want to practice telling the time at home, use the website link below.

Being kind

We have been thinking about how to be good friends and show kindness to others. We made fortune tellers that gave us lots of ways that we can be kind. We had great fun sharing our fortune tellers and we are going to try to show kindness in lots of different ways.


Back to school!

We have had a lovely first week back and we have really enjoyed playing together in the sunshine. We have also been working very hard in class. We looked at cherry blossom trees in art. We learned how to create shades of colour with paints then we used cotton buds to make the blossom. We had to carefully add tiny amounts of the darker colours to make sure we created the correct shade. We are proud of our pictures and we are glad spring is here so we can enjoy the better weather.