What do we think we know already ?

The Sun is boiling hot. It has lava or something in it and gas.

The Sun is made of gas and fire.

Day and night are the same length of hours.

There are 12 months in a year.

The Moon is a giant lump of rock.

The Moon has bumps called craters.

The stars, Sun and Moon are powerful.

There are 7 days in a week.

Autumn is a warning about Winter and we harvest all our food.


Teddy bear adventure

We had an amazing adventure at Dawyck Gardens. Our teddy bears got up to all sorts of mischief in the yurt with Edward Bear while we learned all about SWAF.


SWAF is what animals need to survive. Shelter, Water, Air and Food.

Here we are making little islands with materials we have found. Our islands had to include SWAF. Then we had to tidy up and make sure everything was as we had found it.

Problem Solving

Primary 2 had to work out how many different ways they could arrange a clowns red,  blue and green Pom Poms on a  hat. We tried to work it out by drawing a picture. We found it tricky to see in a picture so we used coloured squares and it was much easier for us to see the pattern.


We have had great fun using the Beebots. We learned how to program the Beebots to go forwards, backwards and to turn. We created different pathways for the Beebots to follow. We made story maps linked to the places in  The Enormous Crocodile and The Animals of Farthing Wood and programmed the Beebots to visit the different places. We also turned our Beebots into different animals.





















This block we have been measuring using cubes. We had to measure different objects and compare their lengths.

We had to estimate before we measured. We talked about if we had made a sensible estimate.

We found that when we measured bigger objects we needed to use something else to measure with. We tried straws, lollie pop sticks and even our hands and feet. When we used our hands and feet we realised all our answers were different. It was hard to compare lengths because we all have different sizes of hands and feet.