Category Archives: Whole School News

Week 5 – Online Olympics

Firstly I hope you are safe and well and enjoying this beautiful sunshine!

We are now in Week 5 of our Online RL Olympics.

Last week, we only had 1 entry at Cochrane Castle and I know we can get more than that! But well done to that 1 entry, we really appreciate your efforts!!

This week our challenge is how many step ups can YOU do? Easy.

Please remember to upload your best score by 11:59pm on Sunday 14th of June for your entry to be considered.

A reminder that Sam is also doing live 3pm dances on a Wednesdays on Instagram :

And lastly, can I remind you of Sengas walking challenge too at the following link, it is not too late to join in;

Come on Cochrane Castle, lets show Renfrewshire what we can do!!

Amy (Active School Coordinator)

Social Media Accounts

Our Social Media accounts are now live.


For Twitter, follow @Cochrane_Castle


For Facebook, follow Cochrane Castle Primary School page.

Please note that our Social Media accounts will only be used to share information. We can not respond to individual enquiries and the school reserves the right to remove any negative comments. Please contact the school office for further information about anything posted.

The National Parent Forum Scotland have produced this helpful leaflet for Parents when using Social Media.


Curriculum Rationale

When a school has a rationale for its curriculum, it means that everyone involved with the school can answer the questions ‘What is it we want for these children?’ and ‘What are we going to do to achieve it?’. Through discussion with staff, parents and pupils we have come up with this picture representing our curriculum rationale.

Curriculum Rationale Picture

We also wrote a full description of what we mean. A copy of this was shared with all parents. We hope you find it helpful when thinking about the 3 questions above.

Curriculum Rationale