Category Archives: School Blog

Primary 2 24.6.20 🎥 ⭐️💗

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all well this morning.

For language today I would like you to complete the self – isolation family photo task. I have uploaded mine to give you an idea.🎥

Self Isolation Photo

I can’t wait to see them all!

For maths today I would like you to use the spinner to complete some addition and subtraction sums. You can complete this orally or you can write down in your green maths jotter.

Remember to explore our virtual classroom.💗🦄 Continue reading Primary 2 24.6.20 🎥 ⭐️💗

Text Message from Renfrewshire Council – 23rd June 2020

Scot Gov announcement of full-time education from August: a message to parents and carers from Steven Quinn 23 June 2020

The following is a message to parents and carers from Steven Quinn, Director of Children’s Services. It is dated 23 June 2020 and provides the latest information on Scottish Government’s plans to reopen schools and nurseries.

Following an announcement by the Deputy First Minister at Scottish Parliament today, we are reviewing the details presented in his statement for a full-time return to school and nursery from August 11 if COVID-19 continues to be suppressed. We will update our teachers, early learning practitioners, school and nursery staff, parents and carers as soon as we can.

Thank you for your continued patience and support and in the meantime, follow us on Facebook @renfrewshirecouncil, on Twitter @RenCouncil or sign up for our Schools and Nurseries digital newsletter for the latest updates.

Staggered Start and Finish Times – August 2020

As you know, the Scottish Government has said that physical distancing of 2 metres is required to keep your child safe. Based on this guidance, we have maximised all the spaces in the campus to ensure we can retain this 2 metre distance at all times. This means we will be introducing a staggered start and finish time for all classes. The playground will be clearly marked to show children where to stand prior to entering the building. Children should only arrive at their expected entry time as there will be no space for adults inside the building or in the playground.

The times will be the same whether your child is in Group A or Group B i.e whether they are coming on a Monday/Tuesday or a Thursday/Friday. If you have more than one child, all children should arrive at the earliest time. Entrances will be clearly marked and staff will be available to bring the classes inside.

In the morning:

8.45 – P3 and P7 will enter the building through separate entrances.

8.50 – P2 and P6 will enter the building through separate entrances.

8.55 – P1 and P5 will enter the building through separate entrances.

9.00 – P4 will enter the building.

In the afternoon:

Children should leave the playground as soon as they leave the building.

2.45P3 and P7 will exit the building through separate exits.

2.50 – P2 and P6 will exit the building through separate exits.

2.55 – P1 and P5 will exit the building through separate exits.

3.00 – P4 will exit the building.

If collecting a child, parents should meet them outside the playground area and leave the grounds immediately in order to preserve the safety of all. Parking will be limited so please use alternative ways to come to school, where possible.

Primary 7 – 23.06.20

Good Morning,

Today is the last day of your transition days. Johnstone High School will be setting you activities to complete on the Teams page you were all added to. I will still be available online as usual, so please just give me a message if you have any questions! Have fun! 🙂

Primary 2 23.6.20⭐️💜💗⭐️

Good morning boys and girls! I hope you are all well this morning. 💗

For maths today I would like you to explore the pattern game. Click ‘maths area’ to create your own patterns. Remember to challenge yourself.💗⭐️💜💗⭐️

For language today I would like you to choose a story from your Bug Club library – read the story and answer the questions.📚

Remember to explore our virtual classroom.🦄

Tuesday 23rd June


Class Groupings for August 2020

This August will look different from any other year in that schools will return to a model of blended learning – with pupils learning in school on some days and from home on others. The letters below outline what this will look like.

A text will be sent from the school telling you which group your child is in.

If your child is in P1 from August 2020:

P1 Grp A Parental Letter 0820

P1 Grp B Parental Letter 0820

If your child is in P2, P3, P4, P5 or P6 from August 2020:

Group A Parental Letter 0820

Group B Parental Letter 0820

If your child is in P7 from August 2020:

P7 Grp A Parental Letter 0820

P7 Grp B Parental Letter 0820

If you have any questions about this, please contact the school.

Primary 7 – 22.06.20

Good Morning,

Today is one of your transition days. Johnstone High School will be setting you activities to complete on the Teams page you were all added to. I will still be available online as usual, so please just give me a message if you have any questions! Have fun! 🙂

Primary 2 22.6.20💗⭐️💗

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I can’t believe this will be our last week in Primary 2! 😭

For language today I would like you to watch our Letterland video. We are still learning about the giant in letterland.

For maths today I would like you to click on the crocodile and remind yourself about the more than > and less than < signs. I would then like you to click ‘maths area’ and have a go exploring the resources.🔢

Remember to explore our virtual classroom.🦄💗

Monday 22nd June