Primary 4 09.06.20

Literacy 09.06.20
A good simile or metaphor is my favourite grammar technique. A simile is when you use like or as to compare something such as Miss Allan is as blind as a bat and a metaphor is comparing something saying it is something else such as Miss Allan’s classroom is a zoo (haha). Now look at the BBC bitesize website and complete the 3 activities.

Rubies: Today you are going to use the BBC bitesize website to complete the 3 activities on adding a suffix. That’s when you take your word and add a different ending to make it make sense in a sentence according to past, present or future tense.

Maths 09.06.20
Today I am going to attach a powerpoint on fractions. Please follow the information and answer the questions as you go (you need to have it opened on a full screen slideshow for everything to work).
If you would like to do a little more you can explore some of the fraction games on the topmarks website using the link below.

Rectangles: I was really impressed with your recognising numbers to 100. Lets see how well you can read and write numbers in written and numeral format today. Please read information on p10 and answer questions 1 and 2 on p11 of Leckie book 1A (I will attach pictures).